
168 Entries

Any little Dora fans in your house? We know this is a favourite with lots of kiddies so we have a great prize pack for you to take home!

Prize pack consists of:

  • 1 x Dora’s Royal Rescue DVD = $19.95
  • 1 x Dora & Horse Toy Set = $46.99
  • 1 x Hoyts Jnr Admit 2 Pass = $14

Hoyts Jnr and Nick Jr. Presents…

Dora’s Royal Rescue
Dora’s a knight and Boots is her squire as they come to the aid of Rocinante, Don Quixote’s noble and faithful horse. Quixote is imprisoned in an abandoned library inside the Story Castle, and Rocinante is determined to rescue him. Dora and Boots ride on horse and donkey into a secret cave, and discover an enchanted forest!

Can Dora, Boots, and Rocinante rescue Don Quixote? Find out at selected Hoyts cinemas from 13 October, tickets on sale now from http://www.hoyts.com.au/Movies/details/Doras_Royal_Rescue.aspx

In Hoyts cinemas 13 October – 4 November 2012

Available on DVD 24th October.

For your chance to win, use the comment form below and tell us how enchanting your kids are!

Please note this competition is open from 19th October until 26th October and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile.  Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  2. E. LautaimiNSW
  3. K. CorrVIC
  4. V. GibsonVIC
  5. D. DyeNSW
  • My little guy is so enchanting. He (2y 4m) can count 1 to 25 in English now and 1 to 10 in Spanish which only him and Dora would understand.

  • My 2 rascals are enchanting in looks and characters! People stop all the time to comment on their big blue eyes and their constant sweet giggles.

  • Sometimes my princess will ask me for something over and over. Dont I feel bad when I tell her to wait a minute and she comes out so sweet and innocent with a “ok. love you mum”

  • My children enchant me every day in so many different ways…lovem!

  • “Get ready for your picture and say..cheeeeessssseeee!” Little granddaughter Sienna always has a fully scrunched up face and smile!!

  • My two year old Dora fan is so enchanting in her own little way. She has beautiful manners and is just a little darling. When I say “Thanks”, she says ” Your welcone” (baby slang). She blows me away when she says “Excuse me”, to squeeze past someone.

  • My enchanting 3 year old sometimes uses Dora’s Spanish to say things only her and Dora would understand…. 😛

  • My kids are enchanting
    they have given new meaning to the word, ‘enchanting’ in their own way
    Being Naughty,and funny sometimes
    doing things to make mum’s temper boil.
    some times they are the adorable and charming kind
    most well behaved kids ,you will find
    It confuses me to get angry or just smile
    or leave them to be Themselves for a while
    some times,Motherhood is a roller coaster ride
    with kids as a best friends, it’s blissful indeed!

  • Not always enchanting, with a cheeky grin
    That lets me know what trouble she’s been in!
    But mostly an angel with a thoughtful smile
    Who loves animals, drawing and dancing for miles.
    As for Dora? One of her faves!
    She loves that she’s funny, cute and brave.

  • what kid dosent have a heart of gold, but with a big smile, beautiful blue eyes and wet kisses how can i dont be enchanted by my son 🙂

  • my 3 year old son’s blue eyes and beautiful smile so enchanting, even when he is very difficult and gives me a work out, as soon as he smiles i remember why i’m in love with this man

  • my little dora princess fan says mummy i love you and i want to be like dora

  • Enchanting could be under a special spell,
    My little girls know it all quite well,
    Their charming looks and cutest smile,
    To know what they are up to take mummy a while,
    Their little secrets and special giggles,
    Always gives mummy a little niggle,
    To creep upstairs and check each out each one,
    Whilst they play together creating adorable fun,
    If only their enchantment would help clean what they have done,
    Which they always seem to leave up to mum

  • My two little boys (4 and 2) tell me I’m beautiful at least five times a day. I think they are pretty enchanting!

  • Wide eyed, mouths open, lost in a world of imagination
    where anything is possible and everything is
    when you’re a child and the world is so good

  • My daughters every story and every song is just like a magic spell keeping me enchanted. Just like Dora does to her!


  • My two little princesses, 4 years and 10 weeks, have both cast spells and enchanted me for evermore

  • My girls are enchanted because they are so special and everyday they teach me so much about life even though I’m the Mummy! 🙂

  • My two wonderful daughters (8months and 30 months) are incredibly enchanting, well to me anyway, I can and often do spend all day mesmerized by them. they are both blessed with dora, the youngest gets overly excited and laughs when dora is on tv and the eldest is currently toilet training and everytime she successfully goes to the toilet she says she is big girl dora.

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