
168 Entries

Any little Dora fans in your house? We know this is a favourite with lots of kiddies so we have a great prize pack for you to take home!

Prize pack consists of:

  • 1 x Dora’s Royal Rescue DVD = $19.95
  • 1 x Dora & Horse Toy Set = $46.99
  • 1 x Hoyts Jnr Admit 2 Pass = $14

Hoyts Jnr and Nick Jr. Presents…

Dora’s Royal Rescue
Dora’s a knight and Boots is her squire as they come to the aid of Rocinante, Don Quixote’s noble and faithful horse. Quixote is imprisoned in an abandoned library inside the Story Castle, and Rocinante is determined to rescue him. Dora and Boots ride on horse and donkey into a secret cave, and discover an enchanted forest!

Can Dora, Boots, and Rocinante rescue Don Quixote? Find out at selected Hoyts cinemas from 13 October, tickets on sale now from http://www.hoyts.com.au/Movies/details/Doras_Royal_Rescue.aspx

In Hoyts cinemas 13 October – 4 November 2012

Available on DVD 24th October.

For your chance to win, use the comment form below and tell us how enchanting your kids are!

Please note this competition is open from 19th October until 26th October and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile.  Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  2. E. LautaimiNSW
  3. K. CorrVIC
  4. V. GibsonVIC
  5. D. DyeNSW
  • My best friends little Scarlett is totally obsessed with Dora so would luv to win this for her, as i have a boy and another boy on the way.

  • They are my sleeping beauties, there’s no tower I wouldnt climb, no frog I wouldnt kiss for them.

  • If it’s charming to offer wet and grubby kisses, cuddles and hugs, sticky lollies and “I love you Mum” [often at inconvenient times like during important phone calls or on my way to work in clean clothes – LOL!] then my kids are definitely charmers. They can make my heart melt with one look.

  • Our two year old is so charming when she asks everyone if they are HAPPY.
    I’m Happy are you Happy. She just makes your day, her enchanting persona.

  • No matter where we go or what we do, my daughter has the most amazing smile that god could give out. She radiates love and happiness. She also loves Dora…..In her words “I love Dora up to Gods space and back.

  • My 3 and a half old daughter starting chatting to a random lady that was walking behind us as we were shopping on a road with a strip of shops. Well she did what she does best and asked lots of questions and told the lady lots of stories. Eventually the Lady realized she had walked past the shop she needed well actually she walked a good block down away from the shop, thanks to my daughters conversations!

  • After our latest shopping trip, Master 3 spent the entire time chatting to shop assistants and anyone else who smiled his way. Although the tales he told were somewhat embarrassing, I’m sure he brightened the day of quite a few.

  • My two lovely little cherubs boy 6 and a girl 2 are always smiling, are sharing and caring and have very good manners and get comments by strangers. My youngest always replies with “you’re welcome” . They have always been happy go lucky, very pleasant children with happy dispositions. I love especially at Christmas time to see how enchanted they are seeing Christmas displays and Santa. You can see their eyes lighting up with wonder. It truly is charming to see and creates beautiful memories for me!

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