We are pleased to be able to offer you a chance to win 1 of 5 Dreambaby Locks and Latches Prize Packs!
WIN 1 of 5 Dreambaby Prize Packs valued at over $89.00 each! The packs contain:
- 1 x Dreambaby® Slide Away Catch This self-locking catch includes a template for easy installation, and won’t alter the look of your cupboards. Perfect for use on laundry and kitchen cupboard, where cleaning products or solvents are stored.
- 2 x Dreambaby® Adhesive Double Lock-Dual Action Lock the dual action help prevent opening and closing of cabinets and drawers. Perfect for the kitchen or laundry sink.
- 1 x Dreambaby® Cabinet Sliding Lock
- 2 x Dreambaby® Flexi-Loop Locks
- 1 x Dreambaby® Strap Latch – ideal for use on many surfaces including refrigerators, freezers, metal cabinets, even mirrored surfaces.
- 1 x Dreambaby® Appliance Latch – perfect for refrigerators cabinets and more. Attach up high, to prevent curious fingers from fiddling!
- 1x Dreambaby® Microwave & Oven Lock – heat resistant and ensures peace of mind once installed!
- 3 x Dreambaby® Multi-Purpose Latchs – a stylish, clear and flexible strap, perfect to use all around the house; in the kitchen, bathroom and home office.
- 2 x Dreambaby® General Purpose Lock – has a handy push and twist action to open and is ideal for keeping cupboards latched, locked and safe.
- 1 x Dreambaby® Toilet Lock – will prevent children from accessing the toilet bowl, often an area of great fascination!
Keeping children safe and out of harm’s way at home is a must! Dreambaby offers a huge range of easy-to-install and affordable locks & latches to ensure your cabinets, drawers, cupboards AND appliances are kept securely closed, locked and blocked off from toddlers and young children.
Accidents do happen, and unfortunately many of them occur in the family home, in areas such as the kitchen and laundry. The latest statistics in Australia reveal that each year about 58,000 children are hospitalised due to accidents, many of them preventable.
As the leading care and safety brand in Australia, Dreambaby is committed to helping prevent accidents in all Australian homes.
For useful safety tips & advice from Dreambaby®, check out Dreambaby YouTube Channel.
Please note this competition is open from 6th August 2014 until 1st September 2014 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.
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