
302 Entries

Australia’s science-backed skincare and haircare brand, Neutriderm, is giving five lucky mums an Illuminating Skincare pack featuring a Neutriderm facial C Scrub and a Brightening Body Lotion!

Neutriderm’s famous C Crub is an exfoliating facial scrub powered by Vitamin C that revitalises your complexion, this gentle yet powerful scrub reduces dark spots and reveals radiant, glowing skin.



The Body Lotion is formulated with a unique combination of Retinol and Niacinamide to fight pigmentation, as well as Shea butter and a potent blend of plant extracts to deeply moisturise and nourish the skin.

This skincare bundle is perfect for those who want glowing skin in the lead-up to summer as the range features active ingredients to rejuvenate the skin and remove dark spots. Using ingredients such as retinol and Vitamin C in your skincare aids in the development of collagen which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sun damage, leaving you with clear and youthful-looking skin!

Neutriderm specialises in dermatologist-recommended products that provides solutions to specific skin concerns such as pigmentation, acne and aging. Neutriderm is Australian-made and has a strong commitment to research and passion for skin and hair, resulting in a trusted and effective product range which is highly regarded and supported by medical professionals and valued customers around the world.

Please note this competition is open from 26th August 2024 until 22nd September 2024 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

  • After years living it up on the dance floor the closest I want to get to a disco ball now is to have my complexion radiantly glow like one! My skin would really thank you for the VIP treatment with a Neutriderm Illuminating skincare pack. Please ????

  • My skin needs a bit of moisture and hydration rubbed into it – I feel like a snake who is shedding my winter scales!

  • As I age my skin needs all the help it can get!

  • I need one of these prize packs because im a single mum to 3 daughters under 4yo and I could do with the pamper.

  • My skin is getting very dry with the hard water and chlorine it had to find a good solution

  • This would be simply amazing. My 42nd birthday will be next week, and I’ve just become aware of some darker pigmented spots on the side of my face.

  • My skin has been begging for a glow-up! It’s time to banish dullness and dark spots and let my complexion shine bright like a diamond. With this kit I’ll trade tired and lackluster for radiant and refreshed—just in time for summer to dazzle everyone with my newly revitalized glow!

  • Oh my skin really needs this been through such a difficult time lately. It’s definitely showing on my face would truly be amazing to try this product . Hopefully will transform my skin with a beautiful glow. And maybe take some years off!

  • My dry sensitive Irish skin would hugely benefit from the brightening of vitamin C and super moisturising benefits of this gorgeous skincare pack! Would help me to be spring ready for my arms and legs to be out again

  • I look like a reptile my skins so dry

  • I need to replenish my skin as it is so.dry since water and before summer hits.it would be awesome to get it looking good

  • My skin craves an Illuminating skincare pack to brighten dull days and banish the gloom! It’s thirsty for hydration, eager for glow, and ready for a radiant show. With this pack, I’ll shine, smooth and clear—skin confidence all year!

  • As a busy mum, my skin often gets neglected, leaving it dull and tired. The Neutriderm Illuminating Skincare pack would be the perfect solution to help rejuvenate and brighten my skin, reduce sun damage and dark spots, and give me that glowing complexion I rarely have time for!

  • I went into my winter cocoon pre-winter… and I need to emerge as a butterfly.

  • My skin has been changing as I have aged. It needs something to remove my age spots and rejuvenate its lack lustre appearance. It’s sad to grow old but it’s uplifting to know there are products out there to remedy my dilemma.

  • As I am ageing my skin needs all the help it can get to be healthy and smooth

  • Picture this: You leave the house looking like you just rolled out of a flour sack, and your friends mistake you for a friendly ghost. Enter the Illuminating Skincare pack—Neutriderm facial C Scrub and Brightening Body Lotion—your ticket to glowing, radiant skin that even the sun might envy!

  • I need Neutriderm Body Lotion ..
    I’m growing older, it’s hard to keep my skin looking smooth and youthful. Neutriderm looks like the right stuff to help me out !

  • I’ve come out of winter very dry and patchy; I NEED vitamin C to brighten and clear my complexion!

  • I love my skin and this sounds incredible. Im struggling with pigmentation skin concerns and this just might be the answer to all my skincare dreams. Thank you

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