
360 Entries

8 lucky winners will receive a copy of the awesome new kids games Jumping Jack & Dino Meal!

Crown & Andrews presents two fun new games for kids!

In DINO MEAL ($34.99) Get the eggs before the Dino gets you! This hungry Dino has an eggstraordinary appetite. Roll the die to choose which stolen dinosaur egg to rescue first. Then carefully reach in and take out the egg, but watch out! You never know when this intimidating Dino might leap out at you for his next Dino Meal. Win the game by getting the eggs before the Dino gets you. Suitable for ages 4+ with 2-4 players.

Also new is JUMPING JACK ($34.99) This super cool bunny has planted a carrot garden around his hill. The only way to get him to jump off the hill is to pick the right carrot. The youngest player starts by flicking the spinner to see how many carrots to pull from Jack’s bunny hill. Play will continue until pulling out the carrot that makes Jack jump. Catch him to win! Suitable for ages 4 + with 2-4 players. Both games are now available at BIG W, Target, Myer, David Jones, Mr Toys & leading toy retailers.

Please note this competition is open from 26th May 2015 until 28th June 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via Facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. C. MounseyWA
  2. L. SinghQLD
  3. T. VersaceNSW
  4. M. RussoNSW
  5. D. LawsonSA
  6. M. ChadwickWA
  7. A. NorrishNSW
  8. C. HarrisonQLD
  • Hopscotch, I used to have so much fun playing it with my friends. It was my favourite game to play until high school. I loved to draw the hopscotch on the school playground with chalk, if there wasn’t one there already. I was very good at playing it too.

  • Trouble because i always thought my parents were cheating lol good times.

  • chinese checkers. Always played as a family.

  • Monopoly, as it could go for hours on end and even having to leave it set up, as our parents would send us to bed.

  • Yahtzee was always the one to get out on a rainy day -or Christmas Day! Loved that. My sister would always get Yahtzee, but I’d get the bonus and the full house.

  • Uno because this card game brought me endless hours of fun with my sisters back in the day.

  • Mystery date, that nervous spin of the door hoping you would get the guy in the suit to take you dancing and not the tramp

  • Monopoly! Plenty of winter’s days the whole family would gather round with some junk food and play, right to the end! Lots of laughs and Dad cheating, these are my fondest memories!

  • Snake and ladder broad game bring back my fondest memories when I was a child.

  • Monopoly as we used to spend hours playing it

  • Monopoly marathons with my 3 siblings. There was so much wheeling and dealing occurring, I’m sure we all learnt to be great negotiators.

  • Simpsons Cluedo. I lived 8 hours away from my cousin and whenever we came up to see her, we played Simpsons Cluedo. I used to love it, and it really was quality bonding time, has had a good outcome on our relationship now 🙂

  • Playing monopoly with my sisters,it was serious stuff. I was never allowed to be banker because they always thought I cheated. Never did, I was just really good at monopoly.

  • Loved playing cat’s cradle at school with friends.

  • Elastics, played every lunchtime in the school yard for years. It was awesome, and I loved every minute of it.

  • Ducking for cover when planes flew overhead playing war, which I knew nothing about. It made me explore past lives as an adult!

  • I remember Monopoly and Trouble, Headache was another one but I Yahtzee the most!

  • Hungry Hippos with those little balls,
    We’d lose them all!
    Getting excited with the grabbing heads,
    We’d then use M&Ms instead!

  • Playing Uno and all different card games with my family

  • Mouse trap was my all time favorite game as a child ☺☺☺☺☺☺so much fun

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