
  • Serves 6
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients


Orecchiette Pasta With Lamb And Eggplant is a deliciously hearty pasta dish that keeps everyone coming back for more.

We love the way this Orecchiette Pasta With Lamb And Eggplant recipe combines garlic, tomato and the richness of eggplant simmered slowly to create a sauce that is deep and rich.  We also think that Orecchiette pasta is the perfect choice for this recipe – little mini ‘spoons’ to scoop up the delicious sauce.

The origin of Orecchiette pasta.

Like most pastas, the humble orecchiette pasta began life in Italy.  It was given its name because it resembles a small ‘ear’.  Yes we can see the resemblance.

Orecchiette pasta has the shape of a small dome, with its center thinner than its edge, and with a rough surface. Like other kinds of pasta, orecchiette are made with durum wheat and water. Eggs are rarely used. In traditional Southern Italian home cooking, the dough is rolled, then cut into cubes. Each cube is pressed with a knife, dragging it on the board and making it curl (making a cavatello). The shape is then inverted over the thumb.

Want to make your own Orecchiette pasta?

Well we think it might take a bit of effort to make your own orecchiette pasta.  But then again, it’s awesome to learn a  new skill.  And sitting the in kitchen sipping a little wine and making fresh pasta has got to be far more joyous than slouching on the couch watching TV.

We love Jamie Oliver’s recipe for homemade Orecchiette. He gives you a few little hints and tip on ‘how to tame the little buggers ;)

What to serve with Orecchiette pasta.

This Orecchiette with Lamb and Eggplant is perfect to serve on cold nights with a big side of Garlic bread and a crisp and peppery green salad of rocket, endive and other salad greens.

We think you could also slow cook this sauce – it would add even more depth of flavour!

Was this the best Orrecchiette pasta recipe you’ve tried?  We’d love you to let us know in the comments below.  If you LOVE the recipe, show the MoM Member who shared the love but hitting the LOVE BUTTON at the top of this page.

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 500g Orecchiete Pasta
  • 1tbsp Olive oil
  • 500g Lamb mince
  • 2-3 Crushed garlic Cloves
  • 200g Diced tomato or Passata
  • 1 Large Eggplant
  • 1 Carrot, finely chopped
  • 375ml Beef stock
  • 1/4cup Chopped parsley


  1. Cook pasta in salted boiling water until al dente.
  2. Meanwhile, heat olive oil over medium high heat in deep frying pan. Add onion, carrot and lamb mince. Cook until browned.
  3. Add tomato and garlic. Cook for 5 minutes until well combined over medium heat.
  4. Add Eggplant to mixture, cook for 2 minutes then add beef stock. Simmer for 5-10 minutes until liquid reduces slightly.
  5. Add cooked pasta to pan and toss through. Season with salt and pepper.
  6. Garnish with chopped parsley and parmesan cheese.


You could make this vegetarian by omitting the lamb mince and adding chopped capsicum and zucchini.

  • Sounds great, but eggplant is so hard to get right!


  • Oh yes please. I would love to give this a taste test.


  • This looks absolutely delish……..except maybe the eggplant… maybe I can substitute that or leave it out.


  • A lovely dish bookmarked for when winter comes around. Thanks for sharing.


  • I never know what to do with eggplant but this looks like a new and delicious pasta meal I can make for our pasta-loving family.


  • Going by the title I was thinking it would be too involved for me but after reading the recipe I know I’m definitely going to give this a go. It’s a lot easier than I at first thought it would be. Thanks for sharing


  • Yum, I’m all about comfort food in winter


  • Perfect wintery dish. Thank you for sharing


  • This looks like an absolute delish dish to serve up, love me some pasta.


  • I love pasta and this recipe is a winner! Thanks!


  • This sounds great. I love good pasta recipes.


  • Ooohhhh, interesting, more like a stew then a pasta. I too love watching Jamie Oliver (and kids!) Make this pasta


  • Yes – this looks like a winner recipe. Especially for my very picky kids . They will love this


  • Oooh just screenshot this recipie my dinner plans are sorted. Thanks for sharing.


  • I love this type of pasta, though I don’t regularly use lamb mince so this should be interesting. I love eggplant, so really this is something i must try! What a hearty meal this is.


  • I’m not usually a fan of eggplant but this looks great I will definitely give it a try.


  • Looks yummy, thanks for sharing your recipe


  • This looks so good, I’m sure I could forget there’s eggplant in there! Might be a nice weekend meal.


  • Looks super delicious and rich, yumm, perfect for a winters dinner.


  • I’d love to learn to make my own orecchiette pasta from scratch :)


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