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8 lucky winners will receive a personalised recipe story book pack from Story Antics valued at $70 which includes a copy of the first two titles in its six-part series, Raspberry Breakfast Balls and Cheesy Quinoa Cracker, as well as Story Antics apron for your little chef to wear while whipping up culinary creations in the kitchen.

Looking for a fabulous gift idea for your child/grandchild/niece or nephew, then look no further with a Story Antics personalised recipe storybook. The new recipe storybooks are fun to read and they create a great activity to do at home – baking!  If your child is a fussy eater this is a wonderful way to get them engaged in food and trying new things.

Kids personalised books by Story Antics

The books are aimed to captivate two to 10-year olds who enjoy creating, cooking and baking in the kitchen with parents and caregivers.  In your book, you can personalise the child and adult helper in the story by gender, name, hair colour, skin colour and eye colour – so that they really are the chef!

Raspberry Breakfast Balls and Cheesy Quinoa Crackers, are written by Amy Whiteford, the voice behind Healthy Little Foodies, and offer an engaging, educational and immersive experience that combines the benefits of reading with experiential learning, through sensory activity and play. Plus, they are a great way to get kids into cooking; and who knows, one day they may be making you breakfast in bed!

In addition to creating a great opportunity for bonding and getting kids away from screens, cooking with children has so many educational and developmental advantages. It is a life skill that can help to form adventurous and healthy eaters. Time in the kitchen can also assist with fine motor skills, literacy, numeracy, science knowledge and creativity. Lastly, having fun in the kitchen can build relationships and confidence.


Can’t wait to see if you have won?  Jump on Story Antics today to grab your books and save 10% with coupon code MOM10 before 31/8/20

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Please note this competition is open from 8th May 2020 until 7th June 2020 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. C. ThomasWA
  2. J. WrightVIC
  3. K. CrawfordNT
  4. V. GilesSA
  5. T. MinhasVIC
  6. A. FletcherVIC
  7. M. GilliesSA
  8. S. DaviesVIC
  • My 4-year-old can recognise his name and he gets super excited whenever he sees his name being written down. He loves baking and cooking, reading and tracing letters on papers. This personalised recipe storybook ticks every boxes of his favourite things!

  • Joel! He is my cutie 4 year old who loves to assist in the kitchen and most importantly, make a tremendous MESS!

  • My daughter Armani would absolutely love this. She loves cooking and this would bring her a lot of joy.

  • my daughter loves to cook up a storm and enjoys trying anything new

  • My little chef “Madison” would love this! She’s definitely mummy’s helper in the kitchen and loves to assist mixing, rolling, stirring and most definitely eating! She’d be so proud to own her very own recipe storybook and “let me help her” in the kitchen.

  • My niece always stays to cook with me,
    This would fill her with glee!
    New ideas personalised to GRACE,
    I think it’s pretty ace.

  • Mikayla lives to help in the kitchen, regardless what I am doing, making lunches or preparing her dinner. She has her own knife, stool and chopping board.

  • OLIVER always wants to help me in the kitchen,
    Making ‘grown up’ meals.
    Recipes too hard for little ones
    He needs his own cooking book
    Seeing his name in it,
    Will help him cook.

  • As Taysia loves to cook and would be stoked to have her name in writing

  • Miss 6 runs into grandma’s house calling “What can we cook today Grandma?” She has her own cap and apron. I appreciate how fortunate she is. One day she will know that too. For now, she just loves to cook with grandma! (her chopping skills are better than mine!)

  • Jace loves helping in the kitchen but isn’t always willing to try new foods. I think this prize would be the perfect way to motivate him (and his little sister).

  • My daughter, ‘Charlize’, would love this in her play kitchen. She has a small collection of small recipe books she likes to choose recipes to pretend to whip up. A personalised one would be special and I’m sure would get a lot of use.

  • Child’s name in the story would be aaliyah.
    Would love for her to have recipe books to go with her new kitchen play set up

  • Yuvraj will love to recieve this as he get to spend some time with me to read and cook. Due to been essential worker during covid, i am unable to invest time with Yuvraj and this will be perfect opportunity and fun task that will create lifetime memory. Child name: Yuvraj

  • My son Coby loves to cook in the kitchen he started his own herb garden in kindy and it’s still growing with him.

  • My daughter loves to cook but doesnt like be told how to do it by me. This would guide Chloe and encourage her to follow instructions.

  • Millie and Perry are my niece and nephew and love to cook with their mum, I would love to win this for them as they are definitely more of a cook than my children

  • I would love to win it for my son ‘Sheharyar’ as he seems like a home chef in making, helping me out in kitchen and learning recipes from me all the time.

  • My daughter loves baking cakes, cupcakes, muffins and slices

  • Natalie!! She is always calling herself my Mini chef! She loves helping in the kitchen and does little videos she labels “cooking with Nat”.

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