
271 Entries

9 lucky winners will receive a copy of Lah Lah’s Adventures Brand New Day DVD, Lah Lah’s Big Live Band DVD, Making Music Lah Lah’s Way CD and Lah Lah Shake It Like This CD!

Thousands of fans of top rating, preschool TV series Lah-Lah’s Adventures are practicing their dance moves and preparing to ‘Shake It Like This’ with stripy-socked, singing sensation Lah-Lah and her Big Live Band when they perform at packed venues in just under two weeks.

To celebrate to their adventure, nine lucky winners will receive a prize pack featuring Lah Lah’s Adventures Brand New Day on DVD, Lah Lah’s Big Live Band on DVD, Making Music Lah Lah’s Way on CD and Lah Lah Shake It Like This on CD.

Tickets available via lah-lah.com/live-shows and get ready to dance with Lah Lah’s DVD’s available at all ABC Shops and Centres.

Please note this competition is open from 2nd April 2015 until 29th April 2015 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize.

Winners for this competition

  1. K. BallingerVIC
  2. T. RalphSA
  3. A. WolfeNSW
  4. L. PaineNSW
  5. N. TateVIC
  6. C. SidsSA
  7. J. WilsonTAS
  8. A. GrahamQLD
  9. K. SanderQLD
  • My 16mth old loves music so much she even dances to tv show theme songs, ads on tv and waves when the end credits and music play for her programs

  • Anything at all especially The Wiggles as the y like the and get excited when their music comes on.

  • The Wiggles’ Big Red Car is WHEELy CARismatic, better by MILES, and the TORQUE of the town in our household. It’s darn TOOTIN’ good!

  • The Lah Lah’s Big Live Band Song! Gets stuck in all our heads so we are going round humming and singing and dancing to it through the day!!!

  • My boys love ‘ We’re a Family’

  • Anything from Play School or the Wiggles

  • “Brush your teeth” but it’s hard to do a good job when they are singing with the toothbrush in their mouth. lol.:-)

  • Funky Town! The kids and I have a blast boogying down to this 1980’s disco hit. The Shrek producers also recognised a great dance tune for kids and included it in the movie Shrek 2.

  • great prize looking good

  • “Brush your teeth” but it’s hard to do a good job when they are singing with the toothbrush in their mouth. lol.:-)

  • My child just loves to dance to anything! Any hint of a tune and shes off.

  • Both my kids love to sing and rock out to ‘Hold back the river’, although their fave song could change by next week.

  • My girls aged 2 and 4 LOVE dancing to The Wiggles “Hop Hop do the Bunny Hop” song. Actually they more end up hopping around the room like little bunnys or like frogs than dancing most times, but it’s definitely their favourite song to do actions to!

  • The Chicken Song

  • Freaks by Timmy trumpet as that’s my fave song and Paige goes crazy when it comes on

  • As much as they love LaLa they love the wiggles cross the road song. They sing it all the time specially when were put on a walk. Road safety can get boring but not with catchy songs my 1 and 3 yr old are cautious now cos of this song.

  • Both my children love to dance to twinkle twinkle, little star, they even do the actions!

  • Brush your teeth up and down!! She goes crazy when this comes on. She loves it

  • My kids love lah-lahs there favourite song is wash my hands. Mr 3 is always singing the tune when using the bathroom. They follow all the steps whilst on tv too

  • My daughter loves to dance to Shake It Like This! As soon as she sees Lah Lah she jumps up ready to dance like crazy…

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