
614 Entries

Are you excited? MoM is giving one lucky member the chance to WIN the entire Mums and Grandmother’s Gift Guide hamper!

Check out what we have for the winner below!

Enter to WIN MoM’s 2016 Kids, Tweens and Teens hamper here.

You could WIN MoM’s 2016 Dads and Granddad’s hamper here.

Get your chance to WIN MoM’s 2016 Foodies hamper here.

Please note this competition is open from 18 Nov 2016 until 25 December 2017 and is only available to members of Mouths Of Mums. This competition is a game of skill – answer in 50 words or less. We are unable to accept entries posted via facebook. Facebook LIKE functionality is not a requirement of entry to this competition. The winners of this competition will be published on this page. Winners’ name and address will be provided to the promoter of this competition and prizes will be sent to the address you have in Your Profile. Please ensure your details are up to date so that you receive your prize. This competition does not include a UNHCR prize. Winners will be drawn on or before the 6th of January, 2017.

Winners for this competition

  1. G. SmithQLD
  • I actually think my mum deserves this hamper – she was very sick today and missed out on most of Christmas day and was just gutted, My heart broke for her, she was so disappointed!!! Receiving this hamper would be like a second Christmas just for her 😀

  • I’m no more deserving of this prize than all the rest of the equally hard working, selfless Mums and Grandmothers out there. But I’m hoping I’m the luckiest….

  • I’m just so very special!

  • I may never cure cancer, solve world peace or achieve world domination, but I do believe and my family do appreciate that I am the strength behind my family’s foundation and a little recognition will go a long way to continuing motivation!

  • It has been a tough holiday period with the loss of our Nan on Thursday. This would be a beautiful pick me up for my Mum. It’s such a difficult time of the year to lose someone and to plan their funeral.

  • For my mum who is an altruistic rock. From doing my shopping, to cleaning, babysitting and just a general help when I need support badly. She’d do anything to help and I want to say thank you so badly!

  • I don’t put myself before others. My entering this competition is making a foot print in ‘looking out for me’ and starting to put me first

  • I have my grandson most days, he is an absolute pleasure, having something for me would be so nice to indulge in.

  • Because there are a lot of people in my life that would be truly delighted with a little extra indulgence, and there’s a lot in this hamper that can be shared around. And I would love to win this, to share the love around!

  • I don’t deserve it any more than the next Mum, but gosh I’d love it. I’ve had a year full of hospital visits and financial difficulty and I’d love to spoil myself! Between parenting my three under four, and completing Uni work, I don’t get much ‘me time’.

  • I deserve to have something my kids are too little to buy me anything so unless i buy it myself i get nothing each each year. I’m super in love with the hampers and it would be amazing to receive one.

  • My mother is a great person, who has taught me how to be a better person and not sweat the small stuff. Mum is very generous with her time, love and knowledge. I would love to be more like her.

  • I have been preparing the Christmas Feast every year now for ten long years and I put in all my effort of home cooking roasting the ham with cranberry and make my own pavlova & my grandmothers Christmas pudding recipe. I grow most of my own fruit and passionfruit vines, mango trees, lemon trees. I make my own chilli tomato relish and potato bake with lots of bacon. I would love to hear a thank you occasionally and winning this prize would be such a great blessing.

  • It would be perfect for my mum. She’s both a mum and a grandmother

  • Gee deserve is a big word let me say i will never win gold medal can never operate and save a life but i love to share give of my time and occassionly small gifts to others sometimes just a smile and hello can change the day for someone i volunteer every week and do my best to encourage all

  • I think all mum’s deserve this hamper as we all work hard to take care of and do our best by our families. I take care of my family and I am a carer for my husband. So we are on a pension and things can get hard sometimes. So win a lovely hamper like this would be wonderful.

  • New boss at work, to start the New Year, have met him several times already, and into my heart he strikes fear. The mum and grand mums hamper sounds delightful to me and I think would lift my spirits incredibly.

  • I don’t deserve this but would love to win it for a friend who is a wonderful mother to three boys and has done the hard yards to better her life as well as her boys. She deserves a little present!

  • If I won it I would share it with the other members of my Family.

  • Been a hardworking single mum who’s just brought s townhouse on my own.

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