
My 9 mth old daughter is allergic to egg, dairy and peanuts and because I’m breastfeeding this means I am off these foods. I am looking for ideas for healthy snacks and meals as we seem to be sticking to the same boring stuff and she is getting annoyed with the same foods all the time.

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  • Hi use no egg powder instead of eggs, you can cook cakes, pancakes, etc

  • I took a photo of one of the recipes from the allergy safe family food book hope it’s readable the book has 185 recipes all clearly marked what they are free of

  • I have a book called allergy safe fAmily food it’s great, my son was allergic to eggs ,soy ,sesame and all nut,peanuts was the worst anaphylaxis , he is still allergic to all nuts but out grew the others , with his egg allergy he could have egg if it was in bikkies or cakes but couldn’t have egg as in boiled fried scramble or deserts and things where it wasn’t baked as apparently the protein when egg is cooked longer changes shape and his body wouldn’t react to it,

  • Im also allergic to egg, nuts, seaseme and dairy so it’s very hard to eat dessert from the shop etc I am currenlty making recipes too. theres too many to write on here but if you email me tia46@hotmail.com I can send you some 🙂

  • What a wonderful reply Olivia, I even found it helpful, thanx.
    If you google egg, dairy and nut free recipes or egg, dairy and nut free baking there are some wonderful recipes. All the very best to you and your family. 🙂

  • I had exactly the same issues, and yep it’s really hard.
    Arnotts 100 and 1000 biscuits are egg dairy and nut free so too are arnotts Strawberry shortcake biscuits.Carefully read all ingredients when resorting to commercial foods as each brand differs. Not so healthy I know but great for a quick grab food if you’re on your way out the door. With the warmer weather on the way I’ve found they love the Smooze coconut milk icecreams from the jelly section in the supermarket, I make loads of foods myself and also just stick to fruit and veges. Some bands of Hummus are also dairy free for dipping carrot (obviously softened for you little one) and celery into or ritz or salads biscuits or the rice crackers (plain flavour to avoid dairy in the flavourings) into.
    Hope this helps, good luck on the very challenging adventure you’re about to embark on with feeding your little one, when things get tough and frustrating which they will, just remember you are not alone, so many are going through this exact same thing, it just feels very isolating when all your friends kids are “normal” eaters.
    The best thing I’ve found to do is talk to people, the more people I talk too, the more I find are in a similar predicament, and try and go to the supermarket by yourself as often as possible to take the time to read as many labels as you can. The more you read the more new foods you’ll be able to add to both of your diets.
    All the best…..

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