
After both my babies I experienced postpartum hair loss, my daughter is now 11months and I still feel I’m losing alot of hair. I dread washing or straightening my hair because of how much comes out and the cleanup after. Is anyone else going through this or have ideas of how I can help it? Like vitamins etc?

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  • Nope, never had this problem. Have you considered a vitamin product? It could be your body is lacking vital nutrients that a diet supplement (vitamins) may remedy. Hope you have a solution soon

  • Big time! Falls out in clumps all around the house ????????‍♀️
    I find combing it in the shower helps a little bit and I was recommended a scalp mask by Mecca (don’t think it has helped that much) but I use it, a really good shampoo and a bond repairing treatment by Olaplex after. These seem to have helped reduce the amount I am losing but it is still coming out. Good luck

  • Yes I loss so much hair, frequent trims help good diet and good hair products

  • Yep my daughter is a year old now and I’m still losing lots of hair .. I’ve had to cut it short to help with the straining

  • Thank you everyone for your responses. I knew it was a normal thing, but its nice to hear others have experienced it. I do eat pretty well but it looks like vitamin D was a very common suggestion so I might have to look into that. thanks all 🙂

  • Thankfully I didn’t suffer any hair loss throughout any of my pregnancies. Reading through these comments, it seems it grows back eventually and there’s even a couple of handy hints on how to help it along

  • I was also advised vitamin D supplements but honestly didn’t do much for me. My hair is normally long and thick but each af the r each pregnancy I lost so much and took around three years to regain it back! Breastfeeding I felt for me made it fall out quicker but you know least it grows back eventually

  • Yes i face it with my both kids use protein hair mask and good healthy diet

  • it is totally normal even though it is annoying, My hair actually went further than the usual loss, my hairline totally changed just from stress and medications I was put on after my premature babies.

  • Hopefully it stops soon! Try brushing your hair gently while still dry before washing it, gets some of the loose ones out first. No other ideas sorry!

  • It normal And takes time before it stops. while pregnant your body sheds a lot less so as your hormones try to return to normal, you will shed. If breastfeeding it can take longer. Just be kind to your body, eat well, take vitamins if need be and try not to use harsh chemicals in your hair

  • Yep, mine was so bad! It took until my son was almost a year before I started to see any coming back. Just eating healthy helped and once your hormones settle back down

  • Yes! I keep my hair in a top bun all the time because it just sheds like no tomorrow! My hair was at its best in 3rd trimester but after I had my son (6 months old now) its been falling out like crazy. I dread having to do anything to it because of just how much falls out and having to deal with it later.

  • Yes! I suffered it worst of all with my daughter (now 4) and continued losing hair until she was 8months old, fortunately my other kids weren’t so bad, starting to regrow from my last child (born 7 months ago)

  • I did and still do 2.5 yrs later. My hair is so thin and lackluster. It did pick up after about 6 months but still not where it was pre baby

  • I took vit D and made sure I was eating enough

  • I was told that around 2 years postpartum it starts to grow back. Hairdresser said to take vit D supplement but does take some time.

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