For a third baby I’d still go with 50/50 odds. If you’d had 7 boys and were pregnant again it’d be different but only 2 boys chances are still pretty good.
I have two boys and a girl. I wasn’t fussed about gender with any of my pregnancies. Such a privilege to be mum to 3 great children. Their personalities are all so different and I never bought into gender colours, toys so we have all had fun with things regardless.
We did!!! Haha not in my wildest dreams. Our LO was a surprise and we just assumed 3 boys. Had genetic testing done due to high DS results a was told it was a girl! Despite genetic testing I still didn’t believe it until she was born! I don’t tnow too many other ppl with three kids but one of those also had girl after two boys
I had boy, girl, girl and finally another boy.
I think it’s in the lap of the gods myself – when I had my first boy all the other children in the hospital were girls. When I had my first girl, the others were predominantly girls. My second girl was the only girl in the nursery and my baby boy was one of two boys in the nursery of 32.
Make of this what you will
the odds don’t change based on the previous babies. You have a 50% chance, unless you believe those diets where you can eat certain things for one gender. If you don’t want another baby regardless of the gender, I’d not risk it.
BellaB said
- 26 Sep 2020
Jmac said
- 27 May 2019
mom206279 said
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mom172741 said
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mom164420 said
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jodiev1980 said
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lwcarden said
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mom160421 said
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mom70876 said
- 06 Jul 2016
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