
Image of uno home loans mom answers bulk buying

Hi there, we’re wondering what you think of bulk buying? I don’t personally bulk buy but I want to know if you do, and if you think it really does save money in the long run? Would love to hear what you think.

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  • As long as the products you bulk buy are ones you are going to use. Watch expiry dates.

  • It does save money in the long run, but it is more expensive in the short term.

  • Depends what it is. If you are going to use all of what you buy then yes. EG things like dishwasher tablets or soap.

  • Yes it sure does especially when it’s on sale!!!

  • Depending what item it is, if it’s toiletries yes but food no, I don’t have the space to hide it so it just means everyone eats more.

  • I have always stocked up on items when they are half price and try not to buy items until they are on sale

  • I am not a fan of bulk buying it intends to sit in the cupboard and forgotten about

  • I have been a bulk buyer for sometime and it saves a fortune. I always found that if I waited til I ran out of something it was always the week it wasn’t on sale at the supermarket. Now I pay half price for washing liquid, paper towels, dishwasher tablets. Not only do they not expire they are great back up if your budget is too tight at times like Christmas

  • Yes I do but when items are usually half price. Saves me in the long run

  • Really depends on what it is. I bulk buy on meat because that is cheaper than buying smaller amounts. I also compare the price per g/kg

  • Yes it can but it depends on how much you pay. I do click and collect and look for the half price specials first to see if there are any products I regularly buy. Then I look for the online only specials. My little walk in pantry is fully stocked. For a few examples, I like the EcoStore Laundry liquid, it’s normally $9.00 in my Woolworths and I currently have 9 bottles in my pantry plus one I’m using. I’ve never paid full price for any of them. I know they regularly come on special, sometimes they drop down to $7.99 but I wait for the half price so instead of paying $90.00 for the 10 of them, the outlay over a number of months they came on special added up to only $45.00. I usually buy about 2 to 4 each time. Other products are the same. I could go for many months not buying non perishable items if I wanted to by just using up what I have on hand.

  • Absolutely!! Especially if you stockpile when theyre on sale or half price

  • Yes and no. You have to know prices to know if you are actually getting a good deal when buying in bulk. Our family does a bulk meat shop at our favourite butcher which lasts out easily 4months and that definately saves us money. Everything else is more to reduce visits to the store (which more reduces impulse unnecessary purchases)

  • It can… also depends what you define a bulk.
    I don’t think bulk buying from Costco saved us money when we used them as they only had more expensive brands of some items that I’d usually buy from a cheaper brand anyway.

    We always have a spare in the cupboard of some things (certain food cans, shampoo) and I suppose We look out for them on special and buy a few extra those weeks. That saves money in the month but that shop it costs more.

  • You can certainly save a bit of money bulk buying certain products. If it’s something I use a lot of then it does save me money.

  • Yes, on specific products and only if it is a product you regularly use and do the math properly to determine if you are actually saving money. Also always check the expiry dates to ensure you have sufficient time to use the product.

  • I think if it’s something that you use lots then yes. Otherwise I look for specials. Maybe can bulk but with a friend if you think it will save you money.

  • If you buy at a good discount and use it all then yes it’s worth it

  • It does if its something that you use alot. Otherwise buy bulk and share with someone else

  • It definitely does if it’s a product that you use alot of and often. The key is to look at the unit price and make sure it’s the cheapest you can find. Some people bulk buy for convenience and are happy to pay a little extra to make sure they’re not shopping as often but for me, I’ll only bull buy if it saves me money and is a frequently used product in my home.

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