
Lately my electricity bills are about $1300 a quarter and I’m doing everything I can to bring them down. I’m turning off all power points that aren’t in use, stopped using AC and try to use washer and dryer during off peak time. My partner however has 8 massive fish tanks in the garage and including filters, heaters and lights he has 26 power sources plugged in 24/7. I’ve asked him to sell some and reduce the number of tanks but he gets angry at me and when I bring up the electricity he tells me they don’t take much to run. I don’t believe him, is there anyway to figure out how much electricity they are pulling and adding to the bill. I don’t know what to do about this. Am I wrong for being upset about his hobby costing so much money?

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  • Your electricity bill disagrees with his stance. Last quarter the weather was a killer, I had the ducted aircon running a lot and a toddler learning to eat solids which meant a lot of laundry loads and dishwasher loads. The bill was high for us, $650, and that was without any state rebate. I think I would be bothered by this because he isn’t acknowledging the cost and getting grumpy when you try to discuss it. It sounds really one sided.

  • There are gadgets you can buy (or hire) to see which appliances are using power and how much. It sounds like it is definitely the fish tanks, they are not free. Maybe he needs to look at how efficient his particular pumps and odds and ends are. They may be very old. I’d ask an electrician about the gadget you need and how to access them.

  • With out a doubt, the tanks are drawing significant power. I’m surprised the discomfort of not having air-conditioning has not outweighed the comfort of the fish! You can also get financial hardship relief for all utilities by ringing the provider and answering a few questions. Up to $650 per utility. I hope that helps! Also, removing the husband will cut costs.. .

  • There is a power reader you can hire/buy to measure where exactly your power usage is going. I know people under financial hardship who have been able to access this through financial counselling services. If your husband can see the numbers he might be able to acknowledge his part in the high bills

  • Is there any way you could switch to solar for the fish tanks even if it is only a little bit to help out. I am not sure if you can work out how much power the fish tank uses but that many sure would cost a lot. Maybe you could ring your power provider and ask them for some tips?

  • Does your partner contribute to the power bill? If not split it in half every time the bill comes in. He then might take notice and decide to downsize his fish tanks. Good luck in trying to get your point across. Get a copy of the power bill from your supplier if you can with the heating amount and show him.

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