
How do I find how to find and what if any food intolerances your child has?

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  • A Naturopath can do lots of test. You can get a referral to be tested via your Gp too

  • Yes, I think definitively there is an allergy test.

  • I would access your GP too and request a referral to an allergy specialist.

  • Pay close attention to what your child is eating and any reactions they may have. But most importantly go see your GP. They can refer you for testing if necessary.

  • A Naturopath can do various tests. Mine is able to get a screening done via a urine sample. Blood tests can also be done, which I believe can be organized through a medical doctor but will tend to cost hundreds of dollars. I believe that the Naturopath options will cost less.

  • I think a nutritionist/dietician is the best bet. The most conclusive way is to do an elimination test. This is where you cut back food to the bare basics and then slowly introduce different types and track responses.

  • Thanks for all the good advice girls, already keeping a diary so now I’ll try my Gp .. Thanx :-)

  • First look at the symptoms which will direct you if there are possible intolerance’s or allergies. Keep a diary what symptoms occur after eating what foods. You can do elimination diets (and can buy & do them even online after which you get results & advice). With your results you can go to a Gp to get more official testing done if you desire so.

  • I would talk to your GP, but while waiting for a appointment i would take not of any foods you are feeing bubs and see if they have any reaction eg skin rashes etc after trying them the first time… They might be able to refer youfor testing but this can be expensive if you want quick answers.. One of my friends had to wait over a year for the public testing..

  • Gp is the first port of call, the other thing that helped us was keeping a food dairy with what the child had eaten and the systems that they had

  • Any thoughts/ opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone :-)

  • I’d ask your GP – there might be some tests they can do. Also get a referral to a nutritionist. I think changes to diet, especially where you restrict something to test for an intolerance, has to be monitored closely so that the child doesn’t miss out on important nutrients, and a food journal is kept for several weeks recording food intakes and any reactions.

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