
I have a request for opinions. I have 3 beautiful, healthy children, and am still in my 20’s. I’ve recently been contemplating donating some of my eggs. I’d like to know if anyone else has done this, what sort of things would you tell someone about the process that you aren’t necessarily told about?

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  • I haven’t done this, but I have been through IVF (so have experienced egg collection). Be aware that it can be far more uncomfortable than they tell you.

  • So glad you are thinking about this. My niece was conceived via a donated egg and we are so grateful to the donor.

  • I think this is a very generous thing that you would be doing.
    I suffer with fertility trouble and i feel so sorry for all the women who have problems conceiving. It truley breaks my heart.
    I hope i dont end up in the same situation. It makes me so sad.

  • you have to take a daily injection of hormones that stimulate the ovaries to mature the eggs for “harvesting”
    i wouldn’t do it because i would be so curious about the child

  • Maybe google a little info about it to find out what is involved

  • Would be something that would take much consideration. But the world needs people like you. I would be beside myself, thinking about my children that are possibly out there that I don’t know of.

  • If the child came looking for me then I would gladly tell them anything they wanted/needed to know, including why I chose to donate eggs. I\’d also welcome them as a part of my family, but I\’d also remind them that they have parents who love them, raised them, and chose to put in the effort of having them.
    Thank you everyone for your positive responses. I\’d be doing it as a selfless act though. I want others to experience the sheer joy of parenthood. If I could give someone that gift, then why shouldn\’t I?

  • If you donate eggs that child has a right to know where they came from legally and what if the child came looking for you.

  • I don’t know if I could do it knowing that there’s a part of me out there somewhere. I’d be always thinking of that child.

  • I haven’t done this but I have been through IVF, so basically the same process. It gets very wearing to always have to plan your life around the timing of hormone shots etc. And it’s not great to be giving yourself a needle every day. That gets unpleasant fast. And the regular internal ultrasounds to see if you’re ready for a pickup? Ugh. On the positive side, I didn’t get the mood swings others complain about.

  • what an awesome lady you are it is a big ask for anyone to go through, very hard road for a couple who can’t have a baby on their own to know they can have access to eggs can change lives for ever what a wonderful thing to do I could make eggs just didn’t have luck carrying them many many ivf attempts for nothing we were blessed with one child then nothing since have had a hysterectomy now so no more for us

  • No, I haven’t and I think people that do this are very generous and kind hearted.

  • Sorry, no answer, but thats really lovely. I considered it, but am too old, d’oh

  • I havent but I know the importance of it. My sister cant concieve (medical condition has left her with no ovaries) and needs donor eggs. It means the world to them. I cant donate my eggs as I’m not finished having kids (currently pregnant with my third). Such a great act of kindness.

  • I haven’t thought of this but would like to say that I think it is a beautiful idea this is. There are so many people who are unable to have children. I guess you just need to decided whether you are ok knowing you have a child out there that you will never see but who will be brought up in a loving environment :)

  • This has always been my dream to donate my eggs, I had my 4th child via IVF (had my tubes tied) and to see other couples go through the heartache of each round and still no baby at the end was not nice.
    I think anyone that donates their eggs are an angel for the people that can’t have children on their own.

  • One of the things you need to think about is there could be a little person walking around who is half you! Could you cope with seeing this child accidentally yet having nothing to do with them and always wondering??

  • No I’m not able to help you but I was thinking about donating mine too. Just want to say good luck.

  • I haven’t done this but I do like the idea and would love to know the answer to your question. I only have one child, who is now two, and I would like to have more but I’m 39 so this may not happen.

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