
My baby has had severe sleeping issues since birth. The Dr prescribed 1 mg which is a very small dose. The pharmacist said this is what the body produces naturally and that it will work. Somehow I feel guilty to give it. If anyone has advise please if you could post it. And just to make it clear were not talking about a baby that sleeps 2 hours or 4 or anything were talking about a baby that has never once fell asleep since birth of their own and will fight it for 3 to 4 hours and just cry constant. This is the final resort to try.

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  • We also got to the final resort stage – for a slightly older child – and tried melatonin. It didn’t work for us at all, but it also had no adverse side effects.

  • I use melantonin myself and have done so for many years (after shift work my sleep pattern has become more disregulated). I give it sometimes to my 15yr old daughter who struggles to sleep. I give her 1mg at the most (while I take myself more). I think 1mg is quite a lot for an eight months old, however it is prescribed by a Dr so it should be ok. I know it’s certainly used by kids with ADHD but your baby is too young for that diagnosis.
    Personally I would ask for a referral for a Pediatrician and ask for a sleep study.

  • If your baby is still very young, when he/she cries continously it is possible he/she is gulping air and is getting pockets of wind in the tummy. Does baby pull legs up when crying at all. It could be tummy pain which makes sleeping almost impossible. It sounds as though your baby is crying until absolutely exhausted. Has the Dr. done a thorough examination to make sure there is no logical cause? Some babies hate their arms wrapped in and will fight to get them free. I know of 4 babies amongst relatives who all hated it. Leave their arms loose and they were asleep within 5 minutes. I know a baby who suddenly started waking up at midnight every night and was difficult to re-settle. They used drops prescribed by the dr.. As soon as he started sleeping through the night they weaned him off them – sooner than the dr. recommended but they worked. That’s the main thing. It certainly didn’t harm him. Some states have baby sleep clinics. If all else fails, maybe you could get a referral to one of them. It does depend on the age of your baby though.

  • First of all dont feel guilty, you are actively trying to help your bub and that’s all that really matters, upon saying that it is important that you allow baby to figure out sleep and sleep cues on their own. What works for one bub will not work for another, my first child was a car or pram sleeper, hours spent driving or pushing him around, yet my daughter has never fallen asleep in the pram and hates the car! for her she needs to lie flat in bed with plenty of space around her or on my back in a baby carrier, this is weird as i cannot hold her to sleep (like over my shoulder) you will find what works, until then dont feel bad about seeking help. Melatonin is naturally occurring hormone (interestingly some things, like bright lights can prohibit it being formed !) read widely and listen to other mums, but dont try to make baby cry it out, babies just need love!

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