
How do you deal with constantly being unwell, and by unwell I mean breast cancer at 26, reconstructive surgeries radiation, always being the 1% going wrong. Currently spent new years in hospital after a nipple reconstructive surgery now infection, feeling sad and sorry for myself today. So hard to keep being positive with the knock’s constantly

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  • I have faced similar issues of constant illness, including major illnesses that I was “too young” for. Sometimes you just have to feel it. I would recommend finding a positive online community – say fans of a TV show you like – so that you have something positive to engage with when you’re unable to do much physixally.

  • I am sorry to hear you have been through this. All I can recommend is meditation, exercise, do things you enjoy.

  • That would be incredibly difficult ???? only thing I can suggest is music. Whenever I blast my favourite tunes, my mood is instantly lifted

  • You poor thing. We have two disabled children and l am chronically ill. We do not cope very well, but l try to do these to help me out.
    1. On the days l am well l freeze meals for the whole fortnight so l do not have to cook every day.
    2. Telehealth as much as l can.
    3. NDIS, carers pay, FTB
    4. Knowing that your life os harder than everyone else’s. They will be rude without meaning to because their lives are easy.
    5. We used to use click and collect when l was sicker or delivery for groceries so l did not have to physically use the energy and l could still shop when l was unwell.
    6. Really using the spoon theory and choosing as wisely as you can on this.

    I hope you get better soon.

  • I can only imagine what you are going through and of course you would feel sorry for yourself. Tell your family or friends how you are feeling and take the support offered. Try to occupy yourself with other thoughts or have some pampering sessions with girlfriends. Spoil yourself. Wishing you better health in the coming months,

  • I’m truly sorry to hear about what you’re going through. Dealing with such a health journey can be overwhelmingly tough. It’s okay to feel sad and sorry for yourself at times. Remember, your strength is evident in every step you take. Sending you lots of empathy and support during these difficult moments.

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