
My partner and I are having trouble choosing a boys name for baby number #2!

He likes the name Mason and I like the name Bailey. Also what would be a nice middle name to suit Mason or Bailey? Thanks:)

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  • For the middle name, I don’t mind Mason James. Bailey James is a no no as consider the initials. Is there a name of a male in your life that means alot to you? Could you use that middle name? My son has his great grandfather first name as his middle name. Other son has his uncles middle name. Daughter has my late brothers nickname as her middle name.

  • We didn’t know the gender of our baby for our 3rd. We both wrote down 5 boys and 5 girls names without the other person seeing. None of the names matched and most of the other persons we didn’t like ????. We did decide Bailey would be our fall back name for boy or girl if we couldn’t decide. After giving birth, and laying there recovering, husband said a name on his list which I had said no to before, but I was way too tired to argue so just agreed. Don’t be like me ????????????

  • We just both did our individual searches till we found a name we both liked.

  • Just wondering what name(s) you decided on.

  • My son was named after his dad and great grandfather. We mainly like our kids to feel connected to their family in such a way. And it’s been a tradition of years. My son is the 5th generation with the same name.

  • My husband and I had lots of discussions to choose our dd number two, but because I was the one who chose our dd number one name we agreed he would choose the second baby’s name. :( but of corse I had to like the name… We ended up putting the name Ella but I really wanted Chloe.

  • I really like Mason and Mason Bailey sounds good too

  • Lol as sad as it sounds, I chose the names and the partner just agreed… Our kids names have meaning though, so he was happy with what I chose =) We have a mix of names from my partners and my name, our grandparents names and our parents names, and one has one sort of from a cousins name and a half brothers name…
    Try using both names in the one name for your 2nd son =) Mason Bailey or Bailey Mason – they both don’t sound too bad!!

  • Hey consider Vinnie as a first name – my mate called his son that, and I think it is so COOL… His second child is Flynn. All the best

  • Bailey mason or mason Bailey. :) I like it

  • Why not Bailey Mason or Mason Bailey to keep you both happy? Our first was named after a character on Neighbours, with a random pick for a middle name. Our second was named after a Dr Who character, with a random middle name. We just kept an ear out for names and got a name book, but none of the names came from the book….there’s lots to chose from tho

  • James is a great middle name. I just picked a random name and my husband loved it

  • It so hard to agree on something. We just kept going until we both agreed on one. Both those names are nice. If he gets to chose Mason then you get to chose the second name I think.

  • james for a middle name for mason but not for bailey lol
    i like both the names. use them both

  • Having a similar issue with my hubby at the moment, We know the Middle name if baby is a boy, but he doesn’t agree with any first names I choose, & visa versa.. Soooo hard!

  • We had a surprise baby (we didn’t find out the gender) and had middle names picked out but not first names – Jakob for boy (hubby’s dad’s name) and Louise for a girl (runs in both families). We wanted something traditional and simple but nothing popular but hubby also wanted his Grandpa’s name there somewhere too, which was Alan. Once our boy was born, we decided on Alan Jakob and it suits him well :o)

  • Maybe look at another name as it seems neither of you want the other name.. Is there a relative that you are fond of that has passed maybe use their name as a middle name.

  • When I was pregnant the agreement we can to was that we both had to like the name – so if only one of us liked it it was crossed off the suggestions list. I think that both Mason and Bailey are nice names and I think they go together well (depending on your surname)

  • Ashton is a great name! My partner suggested that but I love bailey lol.

  • i think you should use both those name either ‘Mason bailey….’ or Bailey mason….’. I would wait till he comes out and see which one he looks like the most!!
    We have agreed on Ashton i think, but I’m still going to wait till i see bub first to know for sure :)

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