
For your own kids?

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  • A friend of mine always did just $10 per child for birthday and Xmas and I have to say it inspires me !

  • We do a birthday and Xmas budget of about $200 per person, but last year when we were traveling to Europe we didn’t do any presents and I have to say I LOVED IT !

  • Everyone has a different idea of presents. Some people go nuts, and others more reserved. Personally I prefer to get something that will be enjoyed, rather than 10 presents where 8 probably won’t get played with much. Kids have so many toys, and not enough time to play with the all.

  • I only have 1 child and my limit is $200 for both Christmas and birthday. Keep in mind that I buy clothes and shoes etc regularly throughout the year so do not gift those. So sometimes there may be 1 major present, or many smaller ones. It’s not the dollar value of the money that is my main concern – it is mainly about how much things will be used/played with. So many kids receive so much in gifts that end up not used. Lego is expensive, but it is also something they can reuse and remake for years.

  • I always give one main present then 4 or 5 smaller gifts.

  • My daughter is just over one year old so she has gotten plenty of presents this year because she doesn’t understand Christmas or birthdays yet. Next year I plan on getting her one or two fun presents for her birthday (the stuff she really wants) and for Christmas she will get one toy and the rest will mainly be things she needs or that are educational like books etc from us. She will get plenty of other stuff from the rest of the family.

  • 1 slightly larger item and then some stocking stuffers. They will get so many from everyone so not too much.

  • Only one. She has enough stuff. This year we giving her something practical because money is extra tight this year.

  • We don’t have a number. It depends on what they are asking for and what I get :)

  • I buy a lot of different presents for my daughter, but all of small value. Maybe 8 or 10. But they are the only gifts she gets at Christmas time, as our families live abroad.

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