
Has anyone got recommendations or resources or Hypnobirthing/natural pain relief resources?

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  • Never heard of this one, sorry.

  • I didn’t try hypnotising but a water birth was the best pain relief! I’ve had 2 natural water births, 1 c section (vasa previa) and 1 natural birth no water. My last birth natural, no water was by far the most painful!

  • Nothing worked for me except for the very last push, instant relief when that hurdle was over

  • Maybe check out books and resources from the library or bookstore.

  • Sorry can’t advice as I’ve no experience.

  • Maybe seek recommendations from professionals in this area of expertise; they might be able to assist with linking to resources and people.

  • I would do some research online and then discuss with your midwife or healthcare professional.

  • There are online courses you can take. I tried a few methods, and tried using a tens machine, didn’t work for me. I ended up on the gas. The breathing techniques helped keep me calmer but I couldn’t hold out.

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