I am a 63 year old grand mother. Hubby and myself took our two granddaughters to Perth
Miss 18 wanted to go and we had promised her we would take her .
Miss 12 it was a bonus for her as we had promised one
But would not leave her younger sister out.
So we arrive
Not in our motel 15 minutes and miss friends turn up
With the mother.
Oh yes Ayla was going off to do Some Gaming .
Was told for the 7 days she had to do two family events .
She was sleeping at this person I just met house
And promised she would look after Miss 18 as one of her own.
I said you need to message or ring me morning and night I want prove of life . Live chat
So we took miss 12 out to Dinner and planned the next day.
We booked a day on the swan river
Speeding in a boat up and down doing donuts while Miss 12 squealed her head off
Red face sun and wind through her hair .
Than lunch fish and chips by the swan river
Then we found markets and bought mummy some treats she was back in Dubbo where we all lived.
The next day woke , showered dressed heard from Ayla , than off to breakfast then on the bus and awesome train to Fremantle up to the old prison
Down to the Fremantle markets .
We headed back into Perth on the train
We went past the dock yards where all the imports and exports leave Perth
Explaining it to Kiera ,
That evening Ayla return for her first family day out
We went to dinner
And Ayla was on her phone to her friends she just left.
I was annoyed
And said can you please put your phone away and have enough respect for us not to use your phone through dinner in a restaurant that we were paying for.
You did not message me anymore than you had too put the phone away now.
We went back to our accommodation
And Kiera asked her sister do you want to go for a swim as we had booked accommodation with a pool Ayla did not so me and her pop went up to the pool area and pop had a swim and play with her .
Next morning showers and breakfast
We went down to the ferry we were boarding for Rottnest island this tour etc had cost us 650 dollars for the day without lunch
Ayla whinge and moan the whole time on the ferry you know I hate open water you know I don’t like boats .
Rottnest was lovely and the tour was awesome
Lunch we paid for ice creams we paid for
And bought Kiera a few trinkets.
The ferry going back was a bit rough and Ayla put on a performance best Oscar goes to Ayla
Her friends were waiting when we got back to the accomodation
I said I wanted her back by 12 on the Saturday as our tour too the Pinnacles was pick up at 2 pm
Her friend said
Depends on traffic
I reply well if it is not guaranteed that she will be back
She is not going
Ayla said she would be back
So we had a free day we caught a train as far as it would go and down to the beach we went
Kiera ,Peter and myself kicking the Indian Ocean at each other
Finding little shells
Having fish and chips on the beach
Talking to lovely strangers
Than back on the train back into Perth catching the free bus around
Checking out the mint
The next day we took Kiera to the coffee shop for breakfast and some shopping for her mum before we caught up with her sister
We get back shower and change for our outing
Ayla comes back
We have lunch down stairs as we are talking about lunch Ayla said oh you could join us
I said I don’t have a issue but I’m not paying for everyone , they left
Ayla let me know I was rude
Water off a ducks back , I did not answer
I was cranky
And Peter had paid 650 dollars for this tour of the pinnacles with the evening meal included
We catch our tour bus from our accomodation
First stop the sand dunes
Sand surfing
Ayla whinging why why you know I hate sand I can’t stand sand
I looked at her and said sit on the bus
Kiera gad a ball so much fun
Ayla sat on her phone
Next stop the pinnacles
Omg this place was amazing the sunset over the Indian Ocean was magnificent
Ayla I cannot message no internet
Me Oh dear
The next morning we were flying out
And her friends her so much had to do nothing and enjoy the holiday friends
Did not even bother to see her off
On the flight home
We are informed by Ayla she took them
Out for dinner and she paid
We took her on this holiday and she did not even offer to buy us a coffee
She could not even give us her full attention
We bought her a bedroom suit for Christmas
Than her phone died
So we bought her a new phone
With her knowing it was a early birthday present
We bought her 500 dollars worth of new cloths for the Perth trip .
And she could not give us her full attention for two days out of the seven
She sat in a bedroom gaming
That why she wanted to go
Ayla works
We paid for the whole trip including all meals with us
Ayla mother gad told Ayla before we left
Please Ayla the two family says no messaging etc
Full attention as it’s life time experience
Our daughter was extremely pussed off when I left her know
Our daughter and grand daughters live with us
And we are happy for that .
But I just had a birthday
I did not even get a card from Ayla nothing not a thing
But sat at my birthday dinner that her mother had prepared
Sat at the dessert her mother had prepared
It took me all my strength to be nice and smile because Miss 12 and our daughter had gone to so much trouble to make it special.
And I’m so wrong for being so upset
That three days later I told Ayla how I felt .
That she was rude ungrateful selfish disrespectful
And while my arsshole points to the ground I will never buy her another thing nothing .
She said that’s right I’m not the golden child.
Miss Kiera has a major disability she is due to go to Randwick at the end of May
She has had this since birth and it needs a service once a year in a full operating room
She also needs to see our specialist at the same time
She is not the golden child
But Ayla is so jealous of her it’s unreal
Than ayla said no one cares about her mental
Health puts on this huge saga
The very next day can get up and shower and walk out the door for D&D
Sorry not my monkey not my circus .
We had a great time in
Perth with Kieta
And created life time memories
We would have loved to spend those memories with both grand children.
Am I wrong with how I feel
Forum I feel used
Posted by liz007, 22nd April 2024
13 Reply
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