
So, have got a very important question to ask!!! As we all know, we do NEED a break time-to-time right? Yes I know you are definitely agreeing and probably nodding your head =)
Well, ladies, my best friend and I (and MAYBE another friend) want to do a girls pamper weekend away. To get away from everything and be pampered – BUT – on a budget, so something that is not too expensive…
Any suggestions of what you may have done? Or heard of some places that offer such things?

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  • I would just pick a hotel deal in a city you would love to visit and enjoy breakfasts, lunches, dinners and coffees together, go shopping and maybe for a massage

  • I’m not sure really. I’d try googling to see what’s out there.

  • I’m not sure where you are, but most places on the coast offer things like rental houses for a few days or a weekend – something like that might suit you.

  • I love mumcation! I meet up with friends in Bali ! As we are all from different parts of Australia it is the most cost effective way. We can then indulge in dayspas etc – so sad covid will delay ours!

  • winery or into the city, if budget permits then interstate or bali!

  • Just a thought but you could take it in turns to “pamper” each other… really low cost!.. and sustainable…. make yummy food; prepare healthy treats; exchange massages; take time to sit knowing all chores are being gone; get driven somewhere peaceful and natural and don’t have to worry about anything;… whatever you want on the list! You’re lucky if you have a few friends since it would make it more possible to share about the ‘work’ and enjoy the ‘experience’ with someone else.

  • Sounds like a great idea! In fact, you’ve inspired me to organise a weekend away with my friends!

  • bunk up together at a resort and enjoy the pool!

  • A nice bath is my break!

  • A holiday let is also another fantastic idea!! Luckily I love searching the net for bargains ect… =P Think I got a lot to do to organise this trip =D You guys are fantastic with all your ideas!! Thanks heaps!! =D

  • have a look at a holiday let for accommodation – they can work out a lot cheaper to share the costs between you.

  • MOM93821 Those are FANTASTIC ideas =D Definitely help A LOT!! Thanks!!
    Would be good to stay at an eco and go and get a simple mani pedi done and then walk around and shop, and visit some restaurants ect… Whatever we do, we will have fun haha, we are awesome like that =P

  • JessyJade190490 – you are most welcome! Another option is to stay near a day spa at a reasonably priced hotel/motel and attend the day spa during the day for a massage/pamper. If you take an eco option, pack a bag full of goodies. Visit Priceline and fill a basket with facemasks, pedicure products, etc on special. Fill another bag with choccies, strawberries, choc dipping sauce from a supermarket and other treats that you like. There are ways to have a good pamper time on a budget, just need to trim a few corners. Have a wonderful time! :)

  • Hopefully you won’t get any headache this time indeed! :-)

  • Thanks for that idea, I honestly didn’t think of an Eco Lodge ect… We both are from the country so we love the outdoors =) My friend more than me lmao but yea… Thanks =)

  • Spa’s can be expensive – maybe an eco retreat or cabin retreat. These options are better on the budget. Depends on whether you like outdoor activities?

  • Definitely thinking of a spa environment!! Haha hopefully I don’t get a headache on this trip… Would be good, even if it was just staying overnight somewhere and doing one spa day, that bit of kid-free adult time would be good =)

  • I’m not sure. But I think I’d go for some spa too!!

  • I would be looking into some type of spa place. Somewhere that does massage, yoga, manicures, pedicures etc As well as more energetic activities such as tennis, swimming, aerobics for those that are more energetic. I’ve only ever done day spas. Good luck with your search

  • Never done an overnighter away from family – I take time out on the weekends when need be. Have fun though – and try not to think about home too much!

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