
Under 1 year of age, I have read sugar and salt not good for babies?

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  • Absolutely no need for it so I didn’t. Still don’t now at 3 or us adults at 31 ????

  • Also, why would you want to add sugar and or salt ??

  • No not a good plan to add sugar or salt.

  • it’s not necessary to give then salt and sugar just give them wholesome foods

  • Definitely no sugar or salt in little one’s food. Even after one year old, I would be reluctant to add salt to their food. Sugary foods would need to be kept to a minimum when they are a toddler so they don’t get decay on their baby teeth and so they don’t become overweight. All the best.

  • Added salt and sugar really isn’t necessarary. Babies haven’t experianced foods with salt and sugar and really don’t know the difference. It’s only as they get older and start consuming these foods that they start to develop taste preferences to these things.

  • No, I wouldn’t be putting any salt or sugar in their food. They prefer bland food anyway.

  • I hears your not meant to add salt to babies under 12months by mchn.

  • I wouldn’t be adding salt or sugar to babies food, it is not good for the gut and rest of their system, babies don’t need these in there food at all or at least till maybe 2-3 years of age.

  • I have never added salt and sugar to baby food. Babies and children have such sensitive taste buds when they are young.

  • I added a little salt to home Meade foods as I found it very bland and if I would t eat it why should I make my baby.

  • There is just a few fruit or vegetables which actually naturally contain salt so baby may already be getting some salt. Your baby is possibly eating what you do, but it is mashed or finely chopped. Therefore you have to put no salt or extra sugar in the food or they are getting it too….unless you are cooking a separate meal for your baby. Even some vegetables naturally have sugar in them. Don’t substitute artificial sweeteners in place of ordinary sugar. What some people don’t realise they can actually be more dangerous to general health than the ordinary sugar you are tempted to add

  • It’s not recommended to ‘season’ baby’s food with salt until after the age of 1. Even then you need to be careful not to overdo it because salt (and sugar) is in practically everything these days. It adds up fast.
    As for sugar, I think for the sake of a child’s long term health it should be minimised in foods at all ages.
    As with most things, moderation is key.

  • As I read your question, I guess I am looking with circumspect at my circumstances when I was raising young kids. Excess sugar and salt can be harmful to young children due to their body size and restricted ability to process it out of their body. However, small amounts do not cause short term harm. Longer term, addiction to those salt or sugar tastes can dominate over the actual flavors of food. This leads to dietary problems as they become older.

    The question then, is why are you asking? If it because you feel things taste awful without it, then please know everything for a baby is super stimulating simply because every flavor is new. They have never experienced any food taste before you offer it. (Can you imagine all those flavors being be again?!?)

    If, though, it is because you are planning to puree something that has been eaten or will be eaten as part of the family meal then it is fine. Just be mindful of overall intake. For example, if grinding roast them soften it with water, not gravy to minimise extra salt. If you had apple pie for dessert which contains sugar with the apple, that’s fine too. Just keep things within reason.

    Research says having a direct link with the general family meal, as long as it is healthy and balanced, doesn’t negatively affect a young child’s health and development as long as it food within the safe introduction of foods. Also, having a young child enjoy at least one meal a day sitting down as a family unit (whatever that’s composed of) from a young age supports healthy dietary habits in later years. (It’s the act of sitting, eating and social interaction, not who specifically is at the table.)

    Also tied with this, and to be mindful of, is the need for gum and dental care after eating. I used a combination of a clean wet face cloth to clean gums along with the Play Gro toothbrush set whilst my kids were in that stage of new foods and teeth development.

    Best wishes!

  • I have found that there is really no need to add any salt or sugar. I have pureed fruit and veggies for 2 babies, and they were more than happy with just the fruit/vegetable with a little water added in to make it that little bit smoother.
    I think if you steam pumpkin and apple etc, you will find they are sweet enough without adding anything else.

  • Definitely not suggested. The last thing you want is a toddler that will only eat junk. If you’re looking for flavour to certain foods, try fruits like berries/mandarins. Otherwise for dinners/lunches be assured you’re baby is getting exactly what they need without the added flavours.

  • At one year – two years and younger salt and sugar don’t need to be added to any food or drink. It isn’t needed to ‘flavour’ food as the food is flavour enough. Added salt and/or sugar is not a healthy choice as the ‘taste’ for salty/sweet food, once there is hard to stop and we end up with young children who will only drink cordial or flavoured milk and fast food becomes the norm.

  • It isn’t indeed !

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