
How do other mums keep their cars clean when they have kids? Mine is full of wrappers, cracker bits etc. I try keep on top of it but it just seems to come back three times worse each time. I vacuum it and try and ask the kids to pick up things once they have used it but everyone knows what kids are like – it either never happens or they have an excuse lol.

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  • I have 4 children (capable) and when we all hop out of the car everyone has to take one item (either rubbish or house item) out with them and bin it or take it inside.

  • I have the same issue… kids also putting their dirty shoes on the front seats and leaving stains…

  • Always a good idea to make a game of cleaning the car; rewards for keeping it clean.

  • Keep a bin in the car, preferably attached to the back of your seat. It makes an amazing difference.

  • I would start with a new rule, no eating in the car! Reduces your rubbish straight away

  • Rubbish bags & containers for rubbish.
    Bags & containers for all other objects.
    A weekly clean of the car is also essential.

  • I try to reduce the amount of times the kids eat in the car. Yes i have teens now but they can be just as difficult to get to pick up after themselves as toddlers. In saying that, we have a bin and i have a hard and fast rule of no food scraps or drinks with milk or sushi packets to be left in the car.

    After that i just usually get in a clean it on a Sunday arv so i can at least start the week fresh.

  • Oh I feel you! My car I as always messy. I’ll be following this post for all the great tips! Thanks for asking the question.

  • My children didn’t eat in the car very often and as soon as they were old enough I had them take take the wrapping etc out of the car when we got home.

  • I don’t encourage the kids to eat in the car (unless it’s a long drive) and give it a wee clean with vacuum or dustpan weekly

  • A rubbish bucket on the seat between them. If they don’t use it they miss out. They need to learn about littering and being responsible of rubbish from an early age.

  • I keep small garbage bags in the car, as well as multipurpose wipes. It’s so easy to let the mess go until it’s uncontrollable.

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