
I asked for a simple pair of earrings for Mothers Day – to wear to the gym. I got 5 pairs of earrings and the pair that are intended for gym wear are too chunky, heavy and too hard to do up and whizz off to the gym. I’m upset that my 18 and 15yo daughters don’t know me well enough to know that I’m NOT a jewellery person, and cleaned up/refined my jewellery a year or two ago because I simply don’t wear much jewellery very often. I wear earrings every day most especially my simple gym earrings (which I’ve lost one of the pair, and why I asked for ‘gym’ earrings). But they didn’t even take enough care to get that right. They gave me a beautiful card and the 5 pairs of earrings. I’d much prefer ‘action’ (them getting off their beds and actually DOING something) over earrings any day. I gave out platitudes about how nice the earrings were, but I keep stewing on the fact that I REALLY don’t want the earrings at all. What do I do?

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  • I’d keep the earrings. Your children tried to get you something you wanted but didn’t quite get it to your liking. Imagine how they would feel knowing you didn’t like them and that you took them back. Go buy the earrings you want but don’t return the ones they got you.

  • Maybe have a sit down and family discussion about each persons love language and how they show love and receive love. That way it will give you an understanding as well. Sounds like you are a acts of service (making their beds etc) and maybe they are a words of affirmation (the card they gave you) It will help you understand that maybe they think you want the earrings, but don’t know what you would like so they cover all the bases (the 5 pairs)

  • Well it’s her decision if she wants something different she can do it. Personally I will not do that and just go with it.

  • ohh thats a hard one. I see where you are coming from. But unfortunately teenagers just dont see it. Its not until you are much older that you appreciate your parents. I guess this will come in time.

  • As a previous comment states. Most places won’t offer exchanges and refunds on earrings for hygiene reason (previous jewelry employee).
    Nor do I think it is respectful of what your kids have chosen for you. Be specific or be happy with what you get

  • I would keep them and wear them occasionally. It’s often difficult for people, even family members, to know exactly what we like and dislike. When asked what I want for Mother’s Day I often just say a cake or to be taken out to lunch.

  • Just wear them occasionally and buy what you want for yourself – they did put some thought into purchasing you some earrings, and just maybe they bought you something they think will look good on their lovely mother.

  • They got you something they thought you would like and it would break their hearts to return them. Just wear them around the house or out occasionally and buy yourself some gym earrings. They at least got you something and its the thought that counts

  • Keep the earrings. I can’t believe you have to ask.

  • I coudn’t take them back. I’d wear them around the house sometimes and just buy what I need. It’s the thought that counts.

  • I would keep them, but go shopping myself and buy the ones I want anyway, saving the heavy gifted ones for special occasions. Even though its not what you wanted, your children are old enough to notice if you return them.

  • Since jewellery can be so personal, I’d be buying that myself or go with them to choose it together. I’d be thankful they actually got you something.

  • I couldn’t return them because it was either what they thought you’d really like or it was all they could afford. It’s a gift from them and you could wear them at any time. I’ve never heard of gym earrings and they probably hadn’t done either so why not buy them for yourself

  • I don’t think I’d have the heart to return them. Buy the ‘gym’ earrings yourself. Simply explain they’re what you need for gym (and why?) but the earrings they have bought can be worn for other occasions.

  • I don’t see why not. At the end of the day whoever gifted you that would love you to use/like whatever you get instead of that

  • Keep the earrings and buy yourself the pair you want. They probably bought the pair they liked the most or the one they could afford. And what are gym earrings?

  • It depends who bought it. If it’s from my kids I probably won’t have the heart to return it, I would probably exchange for a smaller or larger size if they got my size wrong for an item but that’s it. But if I was desperate to return I would seek permission and probably ask for an opinion regarding the gift.

  • I think it would be hurtful to take them back. I think you need to spend more time teaching them what you want them to do. Encourage them to go to the gym with you!

  • Be honest with yourself, is it worth actually hurting your kids feelings to return them..

  • I’m pretty sure your can’t return things like earrings for hygiene purposes.
    This kind of makes me sad reading this as they are 15 and 18 so I think they tried to give you different earrings they thought were beautiful and would suit you.
    If you wanted a specific pair then you probably should have just told them which one you wanted and not have left them to “guess”. I mean why do you even need to wear earrings to the gym?!

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