
I was diagnosed with PCOS during my first (and only) pregnancy. Nothing was really done or explained about it. My mentrual cycle is irregular, I bleed mid way through my cycle every now and then, I get pelvic pains every 2 weeks, I get back spasms most times I start menstruating, I’ve had multiple ultrasounds done where the GP just says, “yep so theres cysts on your ovaries.. one is a bit larger, there’s also a few polyps.” And last time it got checked there was liquid pouches where there wasn’t supposed to be. And you guessed it.. nothing gets done?! They bring up about going on contraception but I want another baby and that ‘may’ help with the bleeding?!?!??? Like whattttt??? Also weight loss is soooo hard, I’m depressed and have no energy.. anyone else going through this?

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  • I’m sorry to hear that. That’s just sad and frustrating.

    I know you have tried a lot of options, but if you haven’t yet, visiting a fertility clinic might be able to help you as they have specialists who can diagnose PCOS and develop a treatment plan to help you ovulate and get pregnant.

    If you want to try a more natural option, try a consulting a naturopath, particularly a Women’s Health Naturopath. They offer personalised and natural approach for women’s health & hormones issues such as PCOS. Here’s how they can help you https://sanatio.com.au/services/diagnostic-testing-naturopath-sydney-sanatio-naturopathy/

    Wish you all the best!

  • Very unfortunate but I’m also going through the exact same problems. And yes no doctor will listen or explain anything to me. It took me 3 years to finally get my son and I’ve had two losses. I wish I could assist you. I’ve got majority of information from fbook support pages. I know there is a PCOS specialist in Clayton in which I’m trying to get a referral too but the GP is making it hard and I don’t understand why..

  • I went on Ozempic for weightloss with pcos because of insulin resistance but all they tell me is to exercise and eat right

  • I struggled to fall pregnant with my first child and when I finally went to a specialist I found out then after some testing done I had PCOS. My periods are very regular but it made sense as to why I have more facial and body hair than other women and why I’m in so much pain during my periods. I didn’t go on the pill or take any other medications cause I wanted a family. And to this day after I’ve finished having my family (2 kids & 2 rainbow babies) I still don’t take medicine. What I recommend if there is a specialist out there that is really good in this area is to go see them also I saw a personal trainer and naturopath to help me with weight loss. Yes it was a hard journey. Took me longer than normal people to loose weight but I’ve learnt to manage my weight for now. I do have bad days too.

  • Your definitely not alone. Doctors can be so frustrating . Don’t give up . Keto really helped me reset my PCOS after 7 yrs of no baby number 2 . I lost 10kg and finally fell pregnant . It’s not impossible .

  • I did not worry about weight loss or contraception between babies, but I had mine fairly close together on purpose. Contraception might help with the bleeding by regulating your periods. And you might want a second opinion about whether they should burst the cysts (this is a really straight forward day procedure).

  • I was diagnosed with PCOS as a young teen over 10 years ago, and have had many different issues since. I was told from doctors since day dot to just go on the pill to fix things. I went on the pill for two years and stopped as i felt it was doing more harm than good. After the pill I would have max three mensural cycles a year. After three years of trying for baby after the pill I finally got my little girl. So there is hope. I gave up on asking doctors for help so just experimented with natural things and found out what worked for my body. So maybe try fins a doctor who specializes with pcos and fertility for help or experiment with what might work for your body and lifestyle.

  • I’ve gone through something very similar. The cysts are terrible. Wish I had a solution.

  • I was diagnosed with PCOS years ago. Pill did help regulate my cycle for the most part. Dr’s havnt been to helpful at all. pretty much just say If you lose weight it will help with alot of the symptoms. But it’s not as easy as they think.

  • My eldest daughter was diagnosed with PCOS at 19. She went to see a gynaecologist for help & all they did was put her on the pill & told her that she needs to think about trying for children a lot earlier than everyone else & that she will probably need intervention to conceive. She has been struggling with her weight & facial/body hair for a few years. Now at 21, she is investigating her options for a breast reduction. She is a size 10 on the bottom half at the moment, but is very top heavy with G cups, which is causing her lots of back pain & it is almost impossible to find clothes that fit. She is very depressed about her body & really wants children but fears she wont be able to have them 🙁

  • I would ask for a referral to see a good gynaecologist, whether it’s from your current gp or a different one. There are also specific women’s clinics for which you can make an appointment without referral.

  • Yeah, the trouble losing weight was and is a big problem for me. For the rest, have you seen a gynaecologist? It sounds like you need a thorough discussion with a sympathetic expert. Keep trying doctors till you find one.

  • Unfortunately I can’t help. Did you talk yo your gp?

  • You poor thing. Keep searching for a doctor that you like and that is good. Good luck.

  • Go to a different doctor if you can. One with PCOS experience. Have your insulin levels tested because it can cause insulin resistance.

  • There is no cure for PCOS. I have always had it. My first two babies required intervention from a fertility specialist. Using the pill may help kick start regular cycles so that you can pick ovulation better (I never ovulated). Anyway, skip forward to my youngest being 3yrs old. We had decided we were happy with two babies. I once again began haemorrhaging and as the months went by it got worse, so I went on the pill. I ended up getting epic PMS and every single side effect listed in the pamphlet (but it did stop the bleeding), so I decided it wasn’t worth it next thing I knew I was 16 weeks pregnant with baby number 3. I assumed it was from being on the pill then going off it, that it somehow allowed me to ovulate and that’s how it happened, but avoid the pill etc avoid more pregnancies. We thought that was a fluke until a year later when I somehow managed to ovulate again at the same time my husband and I engaged in a rare intimate moment and I’m getting ready to have my fourth baby.

    Basically I don’t think there’s any rhyme or reason to it! I used to be so underweight nobody would properly diagnose me. Then I gained so much in my first pregnancy and couldn’t drop any weight. Until getting gestational diabetes with baby 4. Less carbs and sugar have definitely helped me lose weight…

    Anyway, I hope you find something useful here.

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