
I have a six month old baby and in the last 6 weeks I have been in a calorie deficit and going to the gym 4-5 times a week. I have not lost any weight or centimetres in this time. It is disheartening. I’ve seen my doctor for blood tests and am awaiting the results. But has anyone been in a similar situation? What has worked for you?

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  • I put on more weight, after giving birth, then during my entire pregnancy. I didn’t breast feed though. I’ve found a mix of keto diet and a mild carnivore diet my best options as thats been the only thing to knock the weight off and keep it off.

  • Try not to put so much pressure on yourself, your baby is still young and you’ve been doing your routine for 6 weeks. It does take time, as others have said.

  • 6 weeks isn’t really long enough to start seeing results. I’m not sure you should be so focussed on weight loss with such a young baby either???? It could also be you aren’t eating enough so your body is going into starvation mode and storing the food you do eat as fat

  • Sometimes it takes longer than six weeks to start seeing a difference. I wouldn’t panic for a month or two.

  • yes i m in the same boat, i actually put on 30 kgs and not even i kg reduced. however i m 2 years already passed. you just passed 6 months still very soon to reduced. so dont worry. your body is in healing process

  • You are only 6 months postpartum, give yourself a break. It takes 2 years for the body to get back to how it was pre bubs, physically and mentally if a a huge change. Be gentle and eat healthy, small walks and remember this too shall pass

  • It just takes time. Someone said to me, 9 months on, 9 months off.

  • You need to give your body time to recover from the birth of your child.

  • Your body will still be recovering. You need calories to build back the stores of nutrients lost during pregnancy.
    I’m 2 years postpartum and after giving my body time to recover have started cutting down calories. I’m in a 500 calorie deficit per day (eat approximately 1600 calories) and have lost 15kg in 4 months. I don’t go to the gym.
    Exercise only accounts for around 10% of the calories used per day. I use MyNetDiary to count my calories.

  • It does take a body time to adjust after having a baby; so again be kind to yourself and stay focused on health and wellbeing.

  • I think you may be expecting to see action too soon. I found weight loss after my babies quite sluggish.

  • Are you definately in a calorie deficit? as in weighing and logging everything you put in your mouth? often people estimate it, but every bit of oil in the pan, or lick of the knife does count. I do bodybuilding comps and have to be in a calorie deficit for a long time, its a slow process. keep at it!!

  • I never worried or worry about weight or centimetres. Eating healthy food and exercising to maintain overall wellbeing makes the body and mind feel good. Weight goes up and down at times and being gentle with a body and mind is important.

  • Don’t know if you are breast feeding or not, but that usually helps bring the weight down fairly normally. The rest of the suggestions are good too, especially going for a walk with your baby in the pram, then both of you get the benefit of the fresh air and being outdoors.

  • Your baby is only 6 months old, it can be a struggle to lose weight after having a bub and at least you are trying. You might not be seeing results right now but the exercise and healthy diet is still great for your body and you’re doing the right thing.
    I found cardio worked well for me. I bought a cheap second hand treadmill and started walking mostly and then changed to running through ad breaks on the TV and then resting. Eventually, I was able to run 5km continuously and then 10km. I am still running now 11 years later and it keeps the weight off. Exercise and a healthy diet is the best way to go.

  • Don’t worry about your weight. If you are stressed or your hormones are out of wack you won’t lose weight. Your body is still getting back to normal at this time, be kind to yourself and don’t push your body.

  • It’s still early days. Just eat healthy, do some exercise (this could be just walking the pram) and relax. On a certain point you could seek advice from a personal coach.

  • Trying so hard must be very stressful. Try to relax a little and go a little easier on yourself. Enjoy your baby, maybe walks with the pram and drinking 2 litres of water each day will help. Just take it slowly.

  • I’d recommend visiting the doctor if you are concerned. I also know how it feels to struggle with weight after pregnancy, I think seeing a medical practitioner that rule out concerns and give you options and plans.

  • Take it easy you have just had a baby. I found just getting out for a couple of walks a day I was able to loose the weight. My daughter loved going for walks as it helped her fall asleep so I use to head out for a nice walk and get some fresh air.

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