
My ex husband was the oldest of 3 children. While he was left in Australia, his mum took the other 2 children to Ireland. Since then he has found his sister, but his brother was adopted out in Ireland- he was fostered at first after being in a home. Can anyone give me any leads on where and how to start a search for him? Thanks

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  • Advertising on Irish chat sites – maybe even the equivalent of Mom. Contact the Irish Government and ask what records you’ll be able to access. Google his mother.

  • The Salvation Army have a section that helps bring families together. I think they charge a fee, not sure how much. Might be worth contacting them and asking, they might help you

  • I really hope your husband was able to locate his brother.

  • I would hire an investigator for a short time to see if he/she can find any leads.

  • There are so many amazing Find My Family groups on Facebook now that are a wonderful help! If you’re not keep on putting some personal information on the internet you could always try the Salvation Army.
    You can also google family services in Ireland & send them an email asking what options you have for tracing family.
    It can be a very long process & may sometimes bring false leads but don’t give up hope.
    I wish you the very best of luck.

  • Good luck sorry cant help

  • I wish you all the luck with this

  • Good luck, I wouldn’t know where to start

  • You may be able to find leads at the home he was living in in Ireland, if you could find any of his foster families? Also social media is a magical tool for finding people!

  • Ask the home. Get someone to check marriage records in case you can pick him up as having married. And it sounds horrible, but maybe death certificates as well?

  • Have you tried ansestory.com? I found it brilliant when doing our family tree

  • a place called jigsaw as well as I think it is the red cross but all this cost you money. You can try and do a search through births deaths and marriages this should show you a name change than you can do a voting poll search as well as search the internet for sites as there are many that people list who they are looking for and you can also check if that person has put a listing search. Also get him to apply and see if he can get info on the adoption as I know his mother can unless there has been a veto put by the adopted child on it than you can not. also I would contact the home he was in and see if they have anything as they were more than likely involed in the adoption

  • Try the Red Cross – they have tracked down missing peoples for years

  • I would be trying the ancestry websites. The internet is one if the most powerful tools.

  • im trying to find my partners father right now but dont know were to look all i have is his name

  • There are no pictures available of him … he was really young before school age he was born in Whyalla Sth Australia and adopted out in Ireland …

  • Facebook, Ancestry Tree online, Check out Irelands Adoption records should be able to find something online.

  • Have you tried facebook.
    Start a facebook page and ask for help…its amazing how many people have been found via facebook.

  • I agree with magazine suggestion, maybe you could get someone from a paper over there to do a story similar to Philomena the movie, they could tie it in with that.

  • Even trying things like posting a search on Gumtree or in magazines – it’s better to try than never know. Goodluck!

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