
My two young boys share a birthday, but are different ages (1,4). Any advice on keeping it fun and inclusive for both of them?

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  • This might be a somewhat temporary problem and once they’re a little older, would be happy to share. I think as long as you make them both feel special (one cake each FOR SURE!) then they’ll be happy.

  • If possible, try having their parties on different days (maybe one before, one after, and keep the actual day for family). Make them both cakes, although they might be smaller than average.

  • Could you possibly do a joint birthday with family on their actual birthday and then one the week before and one the week after for friends? I think this will give them an inclusive birthday on the day and then their own special day each

  • Can you do separate things a weekend apart? Or maybe things like paddle pool, sprinkler mat, water balloons in summer. Or something like the zoo, aquarium, petting zoo

  • Whoa, how amazing.
    I’d definitely go one theme if possibly – could do one of those cakes that is different each half to help out.
    Games wise I would go things like the large foam blocks, bubbles, few other games aimed at the older children , pass the parcel may work.
    Good luck and enjoy.

  • Maybe an agreed theme to assist with purchasing supplies.

  • Maybe a party with mixed games and party activities to cater for all ages and stages.

  • Oh wow on the same date I would just buy two indivdual cakes and if having a birthday party do 2 different themes

  • I have two cousins who share the same birthday and they celebrated it a week apart, so that both a day that they were the center of attention

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