
My daughter is 8. She has trouble going to sleep. Her 5 year old sister has no issues. They share a room. We have a bedtime routine. We have tried meditation, reading before bed, lights out and sikence, music, night lights, different bedtimes. She sometimes has bad dreams overnightcwhere she will wake us. She lives in a loving supportive home. Please help!

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  • You could possibly try some compounded melatonin, I have a daughter who also cannot ‘switch off’ at night. If its any help you are doing all the right things, children need to learn how to self settle and sooth, be there for her!

  • This could be food related, maybe her digestion is disturbed, maybe the food is too heavy for her to digest, try a lighter dinner, more fruit and veggies, there are also many herbs that can help. Also Brauer has a really good sleep remedy that you can buy very easy for a child to take, it is all natural.

  • My daughter went through this aswell, we tried eveything but nothing worked. Her problem was that she just couldn’t wind down and switch her brain off. Someone suggested for her to take melatonin gummies, which thankgod have worked. Shes been having them for about 6 months and she settles so easy now and doesn’t wake at night. Defiantly see your gp about it and discuss the options available to help her. X

  • Apparently with the weighted blankets you can get two different ones, one for Winter and one for Summer. Have you taken your daughter to your GP for a checkup at all? TV or computer after evening meal? If so, maybe you could either stop or lessen the time. It may be that her brain stays active for too long and keeps her awake and wakes her later as well. Can your daughter tell you what the bad dreams are about? Knowing that may help you find a solution. I couldn’t sleep under a window as a child. I dreamt that somebody was coming in through the window and going to walk on me. Apparently I screamed the house down in my sleep, then woke up and started yelling.

  • Have you heard about calming blankets/weighted blankets? A lot of people swear by them for adults and kids. They help with anxiety, sleep problems and a few other things as well. I have heard of 2 brands, Calming Blankets and Neptune blankets.

  • Maybe a visit to you local GP for starters, get some starter advice. I know a friend of mine has had some success with medication for her 5 yo who had issues with sleep

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