
I have 3 kids and desperately want to travel overseas.  Do I take my kids so they get the experience or do I go with hubby so I can relax and see more of the sites? Have you travelled with kids if so where and what was the experience like?

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  • Yes I traveled oversees with my kids and loved to give them that experience

  • Depends on how old your kids are. If they’re too young, they won’t appreciate it I don’t think

  • Kinda depends on your finances. Can you afford a holiday for the whole family? And how old are your kids, are they old enough to appreciate the travel? Or would they just get bored and annoying. Would love to know what you chose

  • You could try both. Have a holiday with kids, great family experience,and then one with just you and hubby. Even if you do closer to home hols and make them shorter so you can accommodate this

  • depends on so many things!!! obviously sounds like you can afford it so why not!

  • i would take my kids with me so that they can have that experience

  • I’ve always traveled with my daughter and I couldn’t even imagine leaving her behind

  • Sorry I have taken my kids to NZ, FIJI (was awesome they love kids), Singapore, India and am looking at taking them to the US next year.
    I am a single parent.

  • It all depends on how you feel about leaving them behind, if you’re fine with it leave them and go.
    Me personally I don’t think I would enjoy an overseas holiday without them unless it was a short one.
    Good Luck with your decision.

  • I’m not sure what the ages of your kids are but I think if it were me I would take them so they can have that experience of a new country and all it has to offer. Enjoy

  • Take them. They are your children why would you even think about going on a holiday without them.

  • We have 3 y.o. and in his young age he’s already seen a bit travelling – 2× USA and 1x Germany to visit family in both countries and Fuji to just chill. I will never leave my kids behind in favour of a relaxing holiday. They will soon enough say that they don’t want to spend their holidays with the parents. So for now, it’s a family affair and while the actual flight cam be stressful we so far always had a good time at the respective destination.

  • Take them. Create happy memories for both you and the children. Life is too short to not enjoy the precious gems we are given.

  • Id say no then you can see all the sights

  • It depends on the age, if they are younger children, I would leave them at home and wait till they are older. It also depends on where you want to go, as some countries are regarded as being safer to travel to than others. Personally I love Australia and although I would love to travel abroad, I am still finding lots to see and do here. Canada and some of the European Areas are great I have been told by other friends with travelling families.

  • It depends on how old your kids are. If they are very young, they probably won’t remember much anyway, and depending on where you go, there may not be much to keep them amused. If they are older, there are lots of places you could take them , which everyone would enjoy. Disneyland would have to be top of the list!

  • what a stupid question

  • We had our kids thy come everywhere with us. If you don’t take them they can start to resent you.Plus the look on their faces when they see new things is priceless

  • it depends where you go! i know it is expensive and if you can stand having a good time without them. i would take my kids for them to have the life experience of another location and to see and learn about another culture’s way of life. maybe take them somewhere near you so they get a holiday and the adults go for a trip for an anniversary or birthday

  • When the kids are younger , say under 5 years, it is good to do local trips. Holidays range from a 2 days with a overnight stay through to a week in a resort 6 hours drive away. When the kids are all out of nappies,then it is time to go first to an interstate holiday where flights are shorter and then later still an overseas trip. See how the children settle down on each trip, n plan accordingly. They will take in more when they are older.

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