
My bub has his feet down below and bottom to the left of my belly button and the head is positioned to the right hand side just below my breast area. Would love for him to turn and have his head below, just wondering if there are any strategies to get bub to turn?

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  • my bub was breach up to nearly birth lol

  • Still waiting… going to find out soon, really hope somehow he moves!

  • I was 29 weeks when I had my last ultrasound, am now 32.5 weeks so I will find out in 1.5 weeks when I have my next ultrasound.

  • How far along are you? I’m pretty sure the Dr will keep an eye on all that and intervene when and if needed. Unless they stuff up, like with me, told me he was head engaged and it was his bum! Undiagnosed breech ensued :/ All because my abs were in such great shape, it was too hard to feel bub

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