
I’m a contributor to Mouths of Mums. To help me make my articles more relevant to your needs. Please let me know your biggest concerns and I can do some research and offer some suggestions. Look forward to hearing from you
Dr Rosina

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  • I generally worry about my child’s safety when I’m not around.

  • For our kids to become beautiful independent as possible adults, making right choices and living a happy and balanced life. With 2 kids with special needs, emotion regulation is frequently an issue for them and steering the family dynamics can be hard.

  • Drugs are a massive concern to me. They’re so readily available, cheapish and so many young ppl are getting into them. They don’t seem to be worried about side effects etc. so far, I’ve been lucky, my 2 have tried pot and that’s it. But that doesn’t mean they won’t be enticed later on

  • I am worried about bringing them up wrong and especially in the society we live in today. I worry about the terrorism and bullying. I have very well mannered and pleasant girls and don’t want that to change due to others around them and what is on the tv

  • My biggest concern as a parent is my child falling behind in education.

  • my children growing up

  • Balance work and life … and please don’t forget time out for yourself. It is a challenge …thanks for your comment. I’ll get to these as soon as I can… one at a time.
    I have done an interview on this topic on my blog check it out here:

  • At the moment I’m trying to work out a routine and learn to deal with 3 kids. I find I really struggle when I’m on my own, like when hubby is at work.
    I have a 4 year old, a 2 year old and a newborn.

  • Dealing with teenage issues and balancing work/life would be great.

  • juggling commitments such as housework, school activities, work, study and general parenting and spending time with the children. Also finance and budgetting and ways to make money go round are alwas good.

  • Teenage years and all the changes they go through also how to dealing with teenagers behaviours boys.

  • We are same sex parents and are going to be honest about our situation and how our son was conceived, but are obviously going to be concerned with reaction from other children around him. We are conscious about surrounding him with plenty of role models in his life, so he has people to admire and look up to, but we fear children being so cruel, will judge our little boy. Here’s to hoping that the children a
    He chooses to be friends with, accept him for him, not what we are.

  • bullying and how to deal with other kids. also how to encourage your own children to be strong mentally so that they will never be a victim of such behaviour

  • Teens and dating, we’ll be at that stage soon enough.

  • anything to do with appetite and fussy eaters around the toddler age bracket, more then just getting them involved as we have tried this and a few other ways.
    Even to do with what exactly they should be getting nutritionally on average so maybe if parents meet these guidelines they might be less stressed with their child skipping meals etc.

  • Stepchildren and the limits on discipline.

  • Kellstar I’m going out on a limb and guessing like me you only have the one child? It always used to be on my mind as well as my son had terrible asthma that used to require hospitalisation and quite bad food allergies. I know it’s a fear that exist even if you have more than one child but I think you tend to focus on it more if you have only the one child. It took me a lot of time to reconcile myself with the fact I can’t wrap him up in cotton wool, but just follow my common sense. It does help that his allergies and asthma and eczema are nowhere near as bad as what they used to be. I’m even letting him
    Go to a school holiday camp not next week but the week after, which is a huge step for me. My ex partner his father has taken him there a couple of times and these people are accredited and seem to know what they are doing.

  • Some advise regarding teens/girls or boys dating what age is appropriate

  • My biggest concern is appetite. He hardly eats ( nearly 3 years old) and refuses to eat anything but toast! I have made so many different things, been creative and made them into pictures, let him participate in the prep and making of food and he wont eat!!

  • Relating to teenage boys would be great.. tips on ways to help with homework without being a “painful” mum.

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