
I once went to a free public artesian spa near Lightening Ridge (little pool in a park, free, hot and wonderful!) And once found a public swim pool (Morree?) with low cost entry and lots of different spas. Does anyone know of other places or resorts like that near the Queensland Gold Coast or in NSW? We’re going on a road trip and would like to pass through or even stay longer!

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  • There’s one in Tassie, down at Hastings, there are caves too. But not what you’re looking for hey?!

  • I had no idea these free spas existed, I’d love to know of more

  • It would be great if there was an article featuring these across the states.

  • that sounds great. I did not realise there were these free spas around. I hope you find a good selection for your travels.

  • I didn’t realise any existed & now I’m very curious to know where they are too

  • There is a great one in N.T. I think it is at Mataranka.

  • Daylesford looks interesting, thanks to the person that posted the answer and thanks to the person for posting the question. Looks like an incredibly beautiful area.

  • Following this with interest as I would love to know where they are

  • No idea, but will watching these answers and adding to my own list.

  • We have a couple of locations in Victoria. The Daylesford region has many springs but my favourite is on the Mornington Peninsula; it’s amazing! Sorry I don’t know of any in the areas you are visiting.

  • We have one in Tassie. They’re down south. It’s glorious as we spent the day doing the Tahune air walk and called into Hastings Caves on the way home for a relaxing dip

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