
What are the best foods to eat while your pregnant?

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  • I ate whatever I felt like when i wanted when pregnant. I didnt think about it too much 🙂

  • Healthy foods like salads white meat nuts milk fruits

  • Just eat healthy from all food group. Plenty of wholesome carbs, fresh fruits and veggies, good proteins and moderate amount of healthy fats

  • Whatever you feel like!!! I enjoyed sweets so much early on as well as big heavy meals but I’m at the stage now (33 weeks with #3) that I actually prefer and really WANT a salad sandwich/roll. Steer clear of the high risk foods but I have defnitely eased up on those things that are not recommended but aren’t warned completely off ie sushi from stores etc..

  • No diet is the same for any women and their needs may be different. Always check with you doctor and go by your blood tests as to what is good for you and baby.

  • Lots of healthy vegetables and stay away from anything that is high risk of food poisoning.

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