
I know we are now living in a very rushed and busy life but people are now becoming so rude and there is no kindness around Like the other day I was out and I just smiled and said hello to a lady and she turned around and said to me what and gave me a filthy look so is what I did was wrong is it I was just being nice and kind and all I got was this

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  • I’ve noticed. I always try to be happy, smiling, friendly when out and about. But im in the minority I think some people are just too scared to acknowledge strangers these days

  • I do this all the time and people are always the same, just rude and stuck up. I am a people person and always smiling at others but some people are just miserable and it’s sad

  • No matter how busy people are there is no need to be rude. If Adults are rude there is really no hope for their children. Please remain being pleasant and spread some cheer throughout your day.. Have a good day.

  • There are still kind people out there ????‍♀️????‍♀️????‍♀️ But it is getting harder to show kindness as there’s so many nasty people and so many others that take advantage of it

  • It’s horrible these days. I truely think it has to do with daily stress and the cost of living, it tends to put people on edge. It’s sad thinking what the world is becoming.

  • I think some people are in shock you said something nice. Don’t be discouraged keep doing what you do. I said hello to the Cleaning lady on a travelator, she said are you talking to me? I said yes and asked how her day was going? She said “We are invisible to most people. In a day no one (shoppers) never even looks at us let a lone speaks to us. That’s terrible I told her so when I did my shopping I found that cleaner and bought her a ROSES Chocolates and some flowers. She was shocked but most grateful. Doesn’t cost much to be nice.

  • I honestly think it’s getting worse with each generation

  • Sounds like Sydney…

  • Don’t let the odd one like that out there stop you. I always smile and interact with people (country town upbringing) and it’s usually a good response. Some people see no one at all and appreciate a little interaction.

  • You just never know what someone is going through or has been through. I’d take that reaction as needing your kindness more than anything. Please keep doing it and don’t let it phase you. Next time you might end up having a fabulous conversation and interaction just from being nice!

  • You will get these people all the time. There is one mum i smile at, at school drop off and she never smiles back. You can’t please everyone. Just continue to be you, there will be people out there that will love to receive your warm smile and hello at them. Don’t let a couple of people change you, you sound so lovely. You will never be able to please everyone and some people are just plain rude!

  • Thankfully; I find more positive and kind people than negative and unkind people.

  • Not everyone is rude indeed, I’m glad there are a lot of nice people.
    Keep that smile on your face and you will meet them I’m sure :)

  • There are still plenty of positive and kind people; shake off the negative and rude ones.

  • Rude people are everywhere, don’t let them cloud your view of the lovely ones.

  • There ae some asd people in the World but I dont agree that ALL the respect and kindness have gone from the World.
    The other day I was at the Supermarket and as i was leave the store an elderly lady in front of me dropped her bag of shopping and items went everywhere. I stopped to help her and a lovely young man came along and helped as well. he offered to carry her groceries to her car for her.

    Just because there are some rude people around doesnt mean we have to write off everyone. There are some amazing people out there and they are the ones we need to focus on.

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