
I’m stay at home mum with my 2 year old son plus I have 2 children at primary school. I was offered to watch another toddler few day a week for pretty much whole day. What do you think would be the reasonable price to be payed?

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  • I guess it depends on how close you are with the person and if you’re going to provide meals as well.
    For me, if it was someone close probably fifty bucks a day. Someone I’m not that close to, eighty.

  • I have looked into babysitting and I was quoted $25 – $30 an hour. Was it a favour? Price should definitely be agreed on beforehand

  • It costs around $100 to put a child into child care. So maybe $70 a day? You still have all the responsibilities, even if you don’t have the training or overheads.

  • It all depends on the situation. Are you close to the people who asked you to babysit? Are you happy to do it or will it dampen your day? Will you cope ok with it, 2yo are very busy!? If its a business transaction, an hourly rate should be set. If its a friend helping out a friend, a lump sum would be ok. Looking after a 2yo is a HUGE responsibility, that’s why professional childcare costs so much

  • It depends on the relationship you have with the person. I did this for my sister and she paid me $50 cash a day. It’s a big responsibility doing this for someone else’s child

  • Depends how close you are to them and how much they’re earning. Im thinking $15 to $20 an hour. Its a huge responsibility to look after someone else’s kids

  • It would depend on if you are supplying the child with things throughout the day or if mum is packing a bag/bringing lunch. If it’s more of a favor I would consider charging less with the idea that she can help you out when you need it. I would have a minimum cost that you would want a day and be firm though, you don’t want to be taken advantage of.

  • I would find out how much local childcare costs then factor in the government subsidy. Then discuss with the other mum. If you’re having to supply nappies, food, crafts etc this all needs to be factored in. It only will cost me $60 a day to send my son to childcare and that’s with food, nappies, hat and sunscreen and activities supplied.

  • I agree, depends on how close you’re to the person who’s asking you and what they expect of you and if you make any costs, also calculate if you miss out on activities you normally do and now can’t because you looking after an extra child.

  • Depends how close you are with this person. I always like to think it’s nice to do something nice for someone as sometimes you may need a favour with your children. But if it’s a regular thing $50/$60 is probably okay.

  • It would depend on whether you are feeding them, supplying nappies etc. If you are doing all of that then the fee would be a bit higher. I would think $50 a day would be fair?

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