
Murine Eye Drops Tears For Eyes
4.5 from 5 star ratings
  • Great for dry sore eyes

    5 out of 5

    These are great for sore dry eyes. They also work well when you wake up with red eyes pop a couple of drops in and it makes your eyes nice and white again.

  • Good!

    4 out of 5

    Murine Eye drops are a good drop to clear red eyes and also relive discomfort in the eye.A good size to carry just in case it is needed.

  • Lifesaver for my eyes

    4.5 out of 5

    I have very sensitive eyes and everything seems to irritate them so I need to be very careful with what I use to keep them feeling fresh and clear and to deal with dry and tired eyes as well.
    This product is always close by as it gives instant relief without stinging or making my eyes feel worse.

  • Fantastic

    5 out of 5

    I found needing to use heating in winter was bad news. I usually only put it on for long enough to warm the room and turned it off. The dry air made my eyes red and itchy. Then I discovered after a few days that my eyes were also dry. They weren’t producing moisture or it was bing absorbed. I started using these every night before I put the heater on to stop my eyes from drying and often put more in if I woke up during the night and they were uncomfortable.

  • Stays in my handbag

    4 out of 5

    I’ve used this for all sorts before. Sand in my eyes at the beach, as a lubrication after my son scratched my eye and it was painful, and when we are camping and I get red eyes from the camp fire smoke I use before we head up to the pub for dinner and it helps relieve my red eyes

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