

My daughter is 3 nearly 4 and I find she over the last month or so, she has really been talking back and giving me a lot of attitude,
Does anyone else have this issue? And if so what do they do to stop this behaviour?

Posted anonymously, 28th April 2014

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  • with attitude


  • try to explain why we don’t talk like that.


  • great to read


  • top storie great


  • its a good story to read


  • It does get better, eventually. She’s testing the boundaries of what’s acceptable, be consistent!


  • My son has just turned 4 and trust me it doesn’t get any better so if anyone has the magical answer please let me know.


  • it use to be when they started school this started but as more go to day care it seems to start earlier. But also the terrible 2’s last longer than 2. Give her rules with guide lines and punishment to suit the crime and follow through no matter how many times they do things as I feel the minute you let it go it is like they think it is alright to do this. At times you will feel like you are on a continuous loop but stick to it


  • Ignoring her talking back might get her out of the habit before she really takes this behaviour on. Don’t get into verbals with her as it tends to just prolong it. Good luck, she’s just testing you out.


  • My 5 year old daughter has been giving me alot of attitude for a while. I blame school as she used to be such a good girl before starting school


  • Well my son is a couple of years older but I give him time outs for back chatting. I explain to him that when I tell him that he has to do something or anything else he back chats me on, it’s for a reason. When he comes out of time out we discuss the behaviour. I also have tried a rewards chart for good and bad behaviour. Not sure about this for a little 4 year old though.


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