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We all know the stress of hosting your child’s birthday party at the local park and having to secure a coveted picnic shelter. But some Aussies are going to extremes to ensure their group snags a shady spot, and it’s caused an online outrage.

Images have been shared in online forums, showing a public picnic shelter wrapped in plastic in a bid to lay ‘dibs’ on the structure. It even prompted the local council, Wollongong City Council, to put up signs warning against using cling wrap to enclose the public shelters.

Cling wrap on public park spaces

A reddit user posted the sign to the forum, and it raised the ire of hundreds of people, some deeming the practice ‘unAustralian’.

Cling wrap on public park spaces

While some Aussies explained that their local councils allow booking public spaces for a fee, others revealed they’re been in physical altercations over families reserving public spaces.

“We had someone do this at our local park and also place reserved signs!,” one person commented.

“When we got to the park at 8am to set up not a single soul was seen but all the tables were reserved, so we just pulled the stuff off the tables (2) and placed in the trash! When the folks rocked up at 10:30 am they got all huffy demanding we leave as the tables are reserved, well we told them to go jump! One of the blokes started a fight with one of our mates …”

Wollongong Lord Mayor, Tania Brown, told 9News that the use of cling wrap or any other material to cordon off beach huts or barbecue picnic tables is prohibited.

“It is unfortunate that we have had to erect signage to remind people of this, but I would hope people show common courtesy to one another when it comes to shared spaces and facilities.

“Our rangers do patrol these areas and will remove any wrapping they find, and members of the public should contact Council and report this behaviour if they encounter it.”

Have you ever seen something like this at your local park? Let us know by hitting ‘comment’ below.

  • That is soo rude and very selfish of people doing this such thing.


  • Thie behaviour is horrible. Whenever we needed to have some space at a reserve for a Christmas get together, we always reserved a spot through the local council and somebody would be at the designated spot all day. Anything else is just not our normal way of life in my humble opinion.


  • Wow this is a bit rude. I’ve actually never seen it happen at any of our local parks. I totally understand how frustrating it could be if you’ve organised a park party but all the tables are taken but it’s a public area so i guess you either get there early or have a back up like bring some folding tables to set up.


  • If anyone is that desperate for a space at a park then they need to set up and wait and not reserve spaces which is prohibited. When people want things or spaces they often have to queue and this is no different. It seems ridiculous to get into a fight and possible legal outcomes of a physical exchange with strangers.


  • If they want the spot so desperately then they should make sure they get there early, set up and stay there until the guests arrive or better yet, start the party early. If I found this happening, I’d be reporting it to the local shire not getting into altercations over it. The people who do this wouldn’t like it if someone else was to do it.


  • It is cheeky and clever! 🙂 LOL Haven’t we all missed out on a spot before.


  • I would be contacting the council to report this rather than risk getting in an altercation over it. It’s disappointing that some people are so entitled and think they have the right to do this. Whenever I host a birthday party I make sure I turn up early to set up


  • This is not acceptable behaviour and I am totally shocked that someone would think that it is ok to do this. It is a public space and available for anyone, if you want to reserve a spot then get there early and stay there. I know in WA some councils allow you to book and reserve spots at parks for a small fee.


  • Unhinged behaviour. Do what we all do and have a family member sit there for hours to dibs the spot until the party starts. I sent my husband down with his skateboard and iPad for 2 hours for my son’s party, no one even came to compete with the spot.
    Regarding ghost camping the below comment mentioned, I recently read that councils are *thankfully* starting to take action against this. Rangers will come to the site and ensure someone is actually there, otherwise a fine will be imposed. It’s way too cheap to squat on a camping spot.


  • This is just so rude! There is actually a similar practice in Tasmania. We have a lot of free camping areas and not all of them are managed by Parks. There is a practice called ‘ghost camping’ where people will go and erect a tent and leave it there for as long as a month at a time and they will only be coming back during weekends/long weekends, etc.


  • Wow that is going to extremes. If you want to reserve an area for a birthday party then you have to be there in person. Set up the balloons and decorations and wait. I don’t think many would want to join in with you then. It is un-Australian to cover it in gladwrap to deter others, nevermind the risk to wildlife when the wrap is torn down and left by uncaring people. Very selfish.


  • It’s just not on. It’s the luck of the draw for anyone turning up. If you are planning a child’s party there you should be prepared that you may not get a table and bring your own picnic rugs, table etc. If it is a council that does take reservations it’s a totally different thing. It’s bad too when people just hog table all day. Once you’ve eaten move away so others can use it. Putting their stuff in the bin was a bit rude, I would have stacked it to the side.


  • I read a thread in a Mum’s group just yesterday, another mother acting entitled. Like a kid’s birthday warrant you to act like a ****. Truth is if you want guaranteed table and chairs bring your own. If you want to private function, hire one. No right whatsoever to do this!


  • There are so many levels of not acceptable occurring in this article. I am quite surprised at this type of entitled behaviour in a public space and a shared space. I am quite disappointed that anyone would use and waste so much glad wrap that ends up in landfill. Consideration of others and the environment needs to be well and truly considered and acted on.


  • Wow that’s just selfish


  • That’s crazy stuff and luckily have never seen something like this at a local park. A local park is a public and you can’t claim a table or reserve a spot. Just arrived early when you’re desperate to claim a spot for example for a birthday party; I have positive experiences with that


  • I dunno about unAustralian, but it’s certainly very rude indeed. I doubt I’d respect it if I saw such a thing.


  • I have never seen this done before but to each to there own I guess put must be expensive to be using all of that Glad Wrap hahaha. Wow Maybe someone should get in touch with local Council to let them know what is going on as they might do something


  • Omg what? That is alot of cling wrap to be used. First come first served basis but thats a ridiculous way of trying to reserve your spot.


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