13 Comment
How do you know when your done. Is it as simple as you just dont get clucky or even thinking about having another baby makes you nervous..? This is were i am at in my life and im not sure where i want to go. I really dont feel like i dont want anymore, there are times were i think omg never again but seeing my beautiful 9month old reach his milestones makes me happy but sad that i might not be able to be pregnant and go through these again.
I have a 7yr old boy , 5yr old boy, a 3yr old girl (who has attitude ) and 9 month old boy..for the last couple of months i have become insanely clucky and i can see myself having another baby. But my partner doesnt.
Iv also been told by 2 psychics that im having 2 more babies a girl then a boy and its not far off either, both are very reputable. But i think something is going to happen were it changes things in my life as my partner is dead set against it.. idk what it is, but im scared. my dad got some bad news so i think it has something to do with him?
thanks for reading
Posted by carmenhopkins40, 6th May 2014
mom113055 said
- 24 Jul 2015
meimei said
- 23 May 2014
coppin85 said
- 12 May 2014
Kelly said
- 08 May 2014
rachaelchara said
- 08 May 2014
mom57756 said
- 07 May 2014
christial said
- 07 May 2014
arcticwynta said
- 07 May 2014
tilly said
- 07 May 2014
amal80 said
- 07 May 2014
carmenhopkins40 replied
- 07 May 2014 , 8:54 pm
Mrs Mum said
- 06 May 2014
catgrrl3 said
- 06 May 2014
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