16 Comment
Hello mums,
Today I am 5 days over due and ready to dive in after this baby!
Yesterday we spent 10 hours in maternity and was pretty frightening at one stage.
I went in for a basic appointment to discuss my options and induction if necessary, And realised bub had been a little quieter then usual, So they popped me on the CTG just to check up on the little one.
They discovered his heart was accelerating rather high and the movements where very unusual . I was on the CTG for 2 hours then they sent me off for some lunch and a good walk around, I came back to the hospital where they had me on CTG for 10 minutes then 6 people came in ripping monitors off me and asking me to race to the ultrasound clinic as they think baby is in distress ( it all happened so fast I became emotional ). I went for the ultrasound where they found baby was NOT in distress and no meconium in the waters ( YAY!) and baby is just measuring smaller then he should ( which they weren’t concerned about). I had to go back and spent another hour on the monitor where he behaved and all looked great. My first pregnancy was so smooth and complication free and my labour was perfect! He arrived ON due date and I guess it really does go to show every pregnancy is really such a different experience.
I am REALLY hoping to avoid induction which is booked to take place next monday ( terrified at the thought of being induced).
I’m just glad I trusted my instincts about his movements and they did make sure all is OKAY!
Mums definitely know!
Posted by rileynmikesmum, 26th March 2014
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