An expecting mum is considering taking action after she claims her midwife ‘fat shamed’ her during a prenatal appointment. But she wants to know if other mums think she’s being too sensitive.
The mum-of-one says she’s expecting her second baby, with just eight weeks to go until she’s full term.
“I have a high BMI so I was advised that using a measuring tape to determine size of baby wouldn’t be the most reliable option so I would be offered growth scans instead,” she explained. “I’ve already had one and have had extra scans due to a complication but thankfully all good and the consultants carrying out the scans had no issues with baba.
“Today I had an appointment with a midwife, I did explain that I had received extra scans with fetal medicine. She carried out her examination, feeling my tummy and proceeded to use a tape to measure my bump. It was uncomfortable and she did dig in to feel my pubic bone, which was kinda sore.”
The midwife then went on to complete the expecting mum’s chart.
“She asked when I was next seeing my consultant and said, “Baby is measuring on the big side but it’s hard to tell as there’s a lot of mum there too”. I responded saying thanks for pointing that out. She then said well I wanted to say it in a way that wouldn’t offend you.
“She also wrote in my chart that measuring was tricky and my mood was good.”
The expecting mum said she feels like the midwife wasn’t professional, and is taking the matter further. But she’s not sure if she’s being unreasonable.
“If she had used proper medical terms or kept it factual given that your BMI is high, this isn’t accurate but maybe you could raise it with your consultant ect I would have been completely fine with this but she didn’t.
“Am I being unreasonable to say that she acted unprofessional and basically fat shamed me. I left the appointment feeling very deflated and like a failure. I’m not the first chubby mama to darken her doorway and I certainly won’t be the last, I don’t want anyone else to feel this way so I rang the clinic and requested to speak to her line manager, who is calling me tomorrow.”
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