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An expecting mum is considering taking action after she claims her midwife ‘fat shamed’ her during a prenatal appointment. But she wants to know if other mums think she’s being too sensitive.

The mum-of-one says she’s expecting her second baby, with just eight weeks to go until she’s full term.

“I have a high BMI so I was advised that using a measuring tape to determine size of baby wouldn’t be the most reliable option so I would be offered growth scans instead,” she explained. “I’ve already had one and have had extra scans due to a complication but thankfully all good and the consultants carrying out the scans had no issues with baba.

“Today I had an appointment with a midwife, I did explain that I had received extra scans with fetal medicine. She carried out her examination, feeling my tummy and proceeded to use a tape to measure my bump. It was uncomfortable and she did dig in to feel my pubic bone, which was kinda sore.”

The midwife then went on to complete the expecting mum’s chart.

“She asked when I was next seeing my consultant and said, “Baby is measuring on the big side but it’s hard to tell as there’s a lot of mum there too”. I responded saying thanks for pointing that out. She then said well I wanted to say it in a way that wouldn’t offend you.

“She also wrote in my chart that measuring was tricky and my mood was good.”

The expecting mum said she feels like the midwife wasn’t professional, and is taking the matter further. But she’s not sure if she’s being unreasonable.

“If she had used proper medical terms or kept it factual ..like given that your BMI is high, this isn’t accurate but maybe you could raise it with your consultant ect I would have been completely fine with this but she didn’t.

“Am I being unreasonable to say that she acted unprofessional and basically fat shamed me. I left the appointment feeling very deflated and like a failure. I’m not the first chubby mama to darken her doorway and I certainly won’t be the last, I don’t want anyone else to feel this way so I rang the clinic and requested to speak to her line manager, who is calling me tomorrow.”

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below.

  • I don’t think you have an issue with what she was saying but in the way she was saying it. You may be a bit oversensitive but it still doesn’t forgive what she said. Hopefully on your next visit she will be a bit more diplomatic in how she expresses herself to you.


  • I think you are being oversensitive. If this midwife was ‘fat-shaming’ you as you suggest she would have hardly said that she was trying to tell you in a way that wouldn’t offend you. Perhaps you are somewhat embarrassed because you are well aware that your BMI is high and you feel it is somewhat your fault?


  • Yes I agree with you. She stated a fact that could cause a problem and when she wouldn’t have mentioned it it would be more of a problem. We are all different in how we express and how we perceive messages, medical professionals are human beings too 🙂 and luckily so.
    Letting go can be very helpful indeed.


  • It is a part of life that sometimes we hear messages and receive comments that are not delivered in a way that is soft and easy to hear. When it comes to medical issues and bodies, often the messages and comments can be quite direct. It is important to hear the messages from professionals for the well being of all.


  • don’t worry about just buy a bigger mirror


  • I think the midwife was trying to be light-hearted and certainly not fat shaming you.


  • I received some comments during pregnancy about what could be elevating sugar levels and increasing weight and actually appreciated them because it helped me to address the issue and made it easier to feel baby at checks going forward. I had no idea that a particular food that I was consuming and should be seen as healthy was actually elevating my levels. As soon as it was addressed the issue improved. I prefer a direct delivery and approach from health professionals that is not ambiguous but I do understand that everyone is different. If uncertain about the delivery of advice or about comments it is a good idea to address it immediately and question the person delivering the message.


  • She may not have phrased it well, but it wasn’t fat shaming. She was making an observation about something that affects your medical care.


  • Pregnancy hormones always make comments like this harder and hurt more. I do feel the midwife could have been a bit more diplomatic with her words and phrased it differently. I can totally understand that this hurt your feelings but try not to let the woman get to you, this should be a joyful time.


  • I don’t think she was fat shaming at all. She was trying her best to say it in a diplomatic way. I think you should let it go and as hard as it is it is a fact. You know you have a high BMI and I think if she didn’t mention a possible problem it would be more of an issue.


  • I think it could have been worded better, it wasn’t blatent but I could see where it could be perceived as being shrouded in judgement. Tactful or factual would have been better or the old adage of not saying anthing at all would have worked best. It’s a particularly sensitive time anyway and adding this into the mix to a heavily pregnant woman who is already feeling vulnerable can affect them. Interesting that she wrote in the chart that her mood was good, the midwife clearly misjudged the effect her comments had on her


  • The midwife could have worded it differently but I think you are being too sensitive. To refer to it as ‘fat shaming’ is exaggerating. Some of the comments I’ve received from midwives and Child health nurses over the years, I could have taken the wrong way but I chose to let them wash off me and be confident in myself and what I was doing


  • I don’t think she was fat shaming you. She clearly wanted to say it in a way that wouldn’t offend you. Weight is just a sensative topic and you felt offended anyway. Sometimes it’s best to just let go, rather than feeding your feelings. Don’t forget that the pregnancy hormones make you more sensitive too


  • I think this is a serious overreaction. The midwife was clearly not trying to fat shame, she said it in a nice way, when there really isn’t any way to say the mum is overweight without offending. At least she didn’t say ‘you’re fat, stop eating cake’. I think people are way too over sensitive these days. If you are taking offence it’s probably because deep down you know it’s true and you’re embarrassed. Doesn’t mean you should get someone in trouble at work.


  • One of my pregnancy’s i had a midwife say that I had lost some weight. The Dr said “she can afford to as she is a fat mother”. I was not happy with him saying this and told my mother who was also a midwife at the clinic, she was not happy either. She questioned the Dr and he said he was sorry the next time. My mother was in charge so it might had helped. Anyone saying you are a big or fat mother is not very helpful when most times you are not feeling that good because you have this big belly sticking out. Maybe bring it up that you did not like being referred to like this.


  • Dont worry what anyone says. You and your baby are most important. Do what makes you happy. Some doctors/nurses really need to keep their mouth shut especially if its not a health concern.


  • Yep, you’re being overly sensitive. Concentrate on yourself and your baby.


  • Personally I think you should not have someone fat shaming you. You’re pregnant and for your baby’s sake the last thing you need is to be on a calorie restricted diet. The midwife shouldn’t upset you. The main thing is that your baby is developing well and you are well and happy. Take care and I wish you all the best.


  • I don’t think it’s fat shaming for a medical professional to acknowledge that you’re a larger woman. It impacts on your health care, and it impacts on your baby. It’s not like she gave you a lecture about it. I think you’re being too sensitive.


  • Honestly, I’m really sorry that you are feeling this way. Pregnan can be hard at the best of times. While her comments may not have been super professional it doesn’t sound like there was any malice behind it. I personally don’t think she meant to “fat shame” you but if youre speaking to her line manager tomorrow maybe they will remind her to be a little more professional in future.


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