

I am a mum of three and the life I am loving right now is overwhelming. Kids are little and need so much attention. They need to be fed and can’t help themselves The fall and get hurt. They put things in mouth and their nappies stink. It makes to so tired to run around them all day, sometimes wen it’s too much and all at the same time it feels like hell. but when it’s done, about half an hour after that is like paradise. The cuddles and smiles and play time in so much fun. It’s like your childhood is back. No worries no tensions. That’s what life is right now. It’s like a dream come true. A dream that I didn’t even thought about. It feels
Complete. Yes I feel
Like I am done but when I see my
Kids I love it. And he could t have love life more!

Posted anonymously, 26th June 2014

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  • That is so beautiful <3 Hope you are feeling the same way today!! Good job mumma!


  • kids are little nd need so much atrention


  • exellent super story


  • I was so incredibly tired this week but then my little son puts his arms around me and tells me he loves me and all is right with the world.


  • That’s so beautiful. I cannot wait to become a mother, and experience all these things.


  • kids have a way of always making you smile or laugh and feel really loved when they wrap their arms around you for a cuddle. Being a Mum is alot of work and can make you very tired but it is the best thing you can ever do and the rewards out way the bad or draining times. Enjoy your little ones and they always give you an excuse to be a child again


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