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the weather started off beautiful. I had energy to get up put a pot of porridge on ready and hot for when the children woke. Hot porridge with raw sugar and honey. Yum. It made my house smell yummy. its amazing how many jobs around the house we have to do just to get out. I started the pump on the sewerage as we have to pump our own being rural. Once that was emptied I fed the animals as we got a pig, chooks, ducks, goats, dogs, cats, giant rabbits, and guinea pigs. Each animal Has special diets too as they have their own food. I collected the morning eggs and put them in the fridge. My daughter had already started the dishes and made a coffee for us. I love special things like that. I had to wait on a phone call for a friend to collect a guinea pig but we offered to take it to her.
Once in the car i sent back my messages on my mobile as we dont get good reception in the country. We checked the letter box in town and collected the letters. Then dropped into the supermarket to buy some sausages, chicken, tomato and herbs. We went onto the next town where we visited Monash playground. There we had a barbecue while the kids played. Had to set our timer so we didnt miss the appointment for the youngest one.
We drove to the appointment for physiotherapy for the youngest one and stayed for an hour. The session went well for him today. He concentrated on nearly the whole 40 minutes even though he got no rewards today like a sticker.
Next was dropping the guinea pig off. The guinea pig even played at the playground. Drove onto the next town to find the address. I even usually get lost but I found the address easily. At the address was a horse named star and only 13 hands high and cuddly. Star licked my daughters face and she told me the horse kissed her. There was an amazing assortment of animals that we could see them all. The kids were excited. I feel happy too when the kids get like this. We watched the baby guinea pig settle in nicely. The other guinea pigs groomed and bossed her around. On the way out the lady gave the youngest a training bike and a spiderman doll as they did not want to go. Its hard on the parents when kids enjoy those places so much. He cuddled the spiderman all the drive home.
When We got home, we loaded up the car with the council recycle bin and household bin. We take our bin down the road about 6 kms as we dont have rubbish collected here. We gathered some wood for a nice fire tonight. Then sat down and watched our favourite television shows. No wonder why I am tired. It was a great day.
Posted by Cynthea Jenke, 10th June 2015
mom93821 said
- 30 Jun 2015
mom63229 said
- 29 Jun 2015
mom94125 replied
- 04 Jul 2015 , 8:06 pm
mom57522 said
- 13 Jun 2015
christial said
- 12 Jun 2015
mom94125 said
- 12 Jun 2015
lepumpkinhead said
- 11 Jun 2015
mom90758 said
- 11 Jun 2015
mom70050 said
- 11 Jun 2015
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