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Hi Everyone this weekend wasn’t the best one for us , as my Son had an accident on his friends bike and was taken to hospital..he’s 15 years old and so far this is the third time to the hospital just this year..thankfully he’s OK , But the amount of time’s i have spoken to him about wearing his helmet is ridiculous..He doesn’t usually ride a bike, he rides his skateboard or scooter, but that doesn’t matter as his other accidents we’re on his scooter even tho it wasn’t his fault , he still responsible for his wellbeing but it doesn’t concern him no matter what has been said to him..i here: it’s ok Mum it wont happen to me..even the nurse lecture him and still nothing..I don’t want to see my Son in ICU or in a wheelchair for the rest of his life..How do i get him to understand to wear his helmet?

Posted by shazzajt, 18th November 2013

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  • 15 can be a difficult age! Thanks so much for sharing this!


  • Good Luck, next time he ends up at the ER, get the doc to mention the helmet and the implications of not wearing it. I was in hospital as a child in a ward with a child who was hit off a bike and it was before helmets were compulsory and this child was permanently brain damaged, it certainly affected my parents and we were never allowed to ride any bike without helmets and protective clothing.


  • Lots of good advice posted mums!


  • a bad age indeed. teenagers think they are invincible. My only suggestion is to get someone who he respects to talk to him about it. Head injuries are just not worth the risk. Brain damage, life time of seizures or even worse. I hope you find a way to get it through to your son. x


  • Being 15, he probably thinks he has all the answers and that it is not cool to wear a helmet. Have someone other than you, who he respects, and get them to ask him how cool is it if he ends up in a hospital bed with brain damage because he didn’t wear a helmet.


  • Good luck at that age they think there is nothing that can hurt them and they will live forever. ..


  • That is the issue – he is 15. Therefore in his mind he is 10 foot tall and bulletproof. From now til he is about 25 (sometimes later) all you can do is cross your fingers and pray to whatever god/deity you believe in.
    If you do manage to make him see sense – please let all of us know how!! Good luck and I hope he is ok!


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