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When a lot of kids ask for a bike for christmas or birthdays its fairly simple. Find one their size and they are good to go. But when my daughters who will be 7 and 9 come christmas day asked for a bike I was almost in tears I was so lost. The girls have Leukodystrophy and a normal bike wouldn’t do. They either need a special needs bike which runs into thousands or modifications with a similar price range which carer pensions don’t stretch and funding isn’t quick to come by.
I ended up talking to a place in WA where I live about modifying a normal bike. I never thought I would get them in time for Christmas but I was going to do my best to apply for funding so that sometime in 2016 my girls could hopave bikes. After emails back and forth with me fretting about money they came to meet my girls and I because they wanted to see what could be done.
When they got here they let the girls play on modified bikes to get their sizes. They then told me if I go out and buy 50cm bikes for both girls they will handle the funding for modifying them with a back rest and parent control bar. I was in tears.
I cannot wait until they get home from their dads house and they see their brand new blue cruiser bikes with white baskets on the front. Bikes like all the other kids have (and their step sister is also getting). The only difference is that theirs will have a back rest. Their wheelchairs can be left at school overnight one day a week so they can ride to school with the rest of their friends. We have even brought pink streamers and coloured spoke things to bling thrm up more.
Christmas is always more about the kids but its so rewarding at times as well…
I will never take simple requests for granted again as I now know personally how something so simple can emd uo being so hard for someone else.
Posted by clarebear1983, 4th November 2015
mom94125 said
- 29 Dec 2015
mom93821 said
- 07 Nov 2015
mom81879 said
- 05 Nov 2015
mom165081 said
- 04 Nov 2015
mom90758 said
- 04 Nov 2015
mom93821 said
- 04 Nov 2015
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