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ok so my daughter is anaphalaxys to particular nuts. not only that she is highly allergic to grasses n polin. (not anaphalaxys) among cats n rabbits too

for the rest of the school term my daughter has a relief teacher. one day she was suffering from the grasses quite bad and the teacher wouldnt listen and denied her to get her antihistamine from the office.

hearing that as seeing the affects and how bad my daughter was after school i was furious …. if the relief teacher does not know about this allergy she is unaware of the major life threatening one.

my daughter attempted to advise the relief teacher of her allergies but was ignored.

i do not feel safe haveing her in this class now. (her usual teacher is amazing)

after discussing my anger to the office i recieved a call from the principal expressing her deepest appoligies that clearly there handover system is not good enough. and she will be straight on it to make this aware.

i dont want to sound like an over protective parent but this is my daughters life.

i am saddened that schools do not have the right system in place when it comes to anaphalaxys . its life or death.

Posted by a-edwards, 9th August 2013

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  • I would have been furious and upset too, and certainly visited the school the next school morning. Obviously It was a life threatening oversight. I am not making excuses for them except to say that maybe the two teachers never met. Nut allergies are so common that ALL schools should be nut free. The school one of our children goes to has signs on the outside of the office and on either the door or window next to it on every classroom. There should be a list of medical conditions for the children in an appointed place in each appropriate classroom. If the child goes into another classroom at all it should be listed in there too. Your daughter should have her epi-pen with her at all times, Her other allergies could later cause asthma if they aren’t already. A relative of mine gets severe hayfever from some grasses, other plants etc. Mum got a referral and took him to an Allergist. He told her that he could later develop Ashtma instead of just severe hayfever.


  • Definitely a case of a bad handover procedure by the school. The school should have processes and procedures in place for the management of all medical conditions and behaviour alerts for relief staff. It is reassuring that you were contacted by the head of the school and I doubt whether this will occur again. I completely understand your worry and concern; our children are so very precious.


  • top story


  • You’re not being over protective. If my kids had allergies I’d be rope able to!


  • My niece is the same she carries an epi pen everywhere. Last year she had a relief teacher and she gave all the kids a muffin to take home. This muffin had peanut oil in it. You could only imagine how angry my mum was when se picked her up and she was just about to bite in this muffin. .. Im still angry now but nothing happened to the teacher this is life or death some pepole dont take this seriously. angry anuty


  • This is a serious issue! Schools SHOULD have a system regarding anaphylaxis…


  • You don’t sound like an over protective parent. Your childs health is at risk and this relief teacher should really have been told. I can understand if she knew and just chose to ignore it but it would be the school’s responsibility if she wasn’t informed. Good to see the principal getting involved and apologising for what happened.


  • its great that the principal has recognised this problem with the handover. Its scary that you fear for your daughters life at school. We trust these people to take care of our kids!!! I hope that what the principal has said is followed up & you no longer have to be concerned


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