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So last week came my first mortifying public experience with my toddler! And to be honest I think I took it a lot worse than expected as I had not yet mentally prepared myself for the so-called ‘terrible two’s’ yet, as my daughter is only 18 month.

For the last few weeks I had noticed she had seemed a bit crabbier at times and quick to whinge. However, like a lot of parent, I just told myself it must have just been teething as she has in fact popped a few in the last month. Until recently, I have been pretty lucky that if Annabelle is upset, it’s for a reason – she is tired, she is hungry or she is in pain! Yet, now it would appear that there is no logical explanation for her upset and anything could potentially set her off. Cue my first horrifying public parental experience…

Last Sunday, we headed off on a little family excursion to a restaurant up in the Dandenong’s for lunch! We figured since it was lunch time and it was really busy and loud inside with plenty of other kids it would be fine. Only issue was when they found us a table, it just so happened to be between two tables of adults who instantly were not happy a child was placed next to them.

Calm before the storm – hand’s don’t go in baby chinos!
It all started when the waitress brought her a baby chino – at first she was as happy as a pig in shit but then she dunked her hand in the foam and began throwing her spoon so my husband told her ‘no’. Well, that was it, the lip dropped and the whiney cry followed as did the ‘oh fuck’ stomach drop of fear in my gut! I quickly tried to resolve the situation by consoling her with food, but she just grabbed it, threw it and cried louder. I could feel the stares burning a hole in my head and I tried to mouth sorry to the people beside us but there were so far from impressed I decided it was easier just to take her outside for a cool down.

Thankfully, the food in the restaurant was quick so we inhaled what we could before she went off again, which of course she did when I moved a glass bottle out of her reach! As I was paying, I apologised to the waitress saying “i’m so sorry she doesn’t usually do this” but she assured me they didn’t even notice and they more than welcome children. That left me feeling a little bit better and that perhaps I was a already high strung myself and she fed off that, not helped by the fact the table next to us hated us before we even sat down!

When I left and had time to assess the situation I went through all different scenarios in my mind of how I could have avoided the situation, but they all ended at the same conclusion! That it has begun and this won’t be the last time it happens, or the worst! I’m going to have to accept that rational thinking and reason will in fact not work and I am most likely not going to understand why she is upset or know how to diffuse the situation. And all I can say is, god help us all!

PLEASE NOTE I have imagery to contribute to this post

Posted by houseofwhite, 29th April 2015

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  • one time i took my friend’s kid to the shop to buy some food as i was babysitting. we did the shop fine, got to the counter and i got her some lollies which she opened up all over the floor and then i wouldn’t let her eat them. she cracked up and lay on the floor screaming. i was so embarrassed and had to pick her up, groceries, and my dignity lol. just joking about the last one.


  • Eventually, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.


  • When the tantrum starts logic flies out the window and there is no point trying to rationalise with them. My daughter did it once over a ball at a play centre. She had put it down and moved on to another toy when she saw another child pick it up. Suddenly in her head it was her ball so she went over and pushed the child over and grabbed it. I was horrified and of course gave the ball back and apologised profusely to the mother. Cue tantrum. I ended up walking out of the play centre with my few week old baby strapped to me, bags on one arm and a writhing tantruming toddler under the other. So embarassing.


  • It happens to all of us. I used to shock my son by saying, ‘Oh come on, you can scream louder than that!’ It occasionally shut him up as he tried to figure out if I meant it! Bubs will be bubs.


  • Just wait until three then…two was a dream compared to the three year old tantrums that come with screaming, kicking, throwing yourself to the floor and the irrational demands as they’ve mastered words!


  • You did all you could to keep you daughter safe and that is what matters. Tantrums happen. At this age they can’t control their emotions. Try and ignore the death stares and remember all toddlers have tantrums. It’s part of growing. You are doing a great job


  • Toddlers and tantrums! Growing up can be a challenge!


  • My first child started the terrible twos at 18 months too!


  • Yep…cafes are out, rsl and family venues like clubs are all we manage. Can’t handle the death stares from the non “breeders”


  • Unfortunately you have to continue with safety and discipline – like moving the bottle – and kids don’t like that. So it’s incredibly hard to avoid meltdowns.


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